WINNERS! Shadow Photo Contest Round 15 - Water Shadows

Again this week I wish I could choose all of the entries to be the winner. With the price of Steem up, I am able to pay out a bit more in prize money this week, so I selected a couple more winners than usual. And if you didn't win I hope you enjoyed the upvote consolation prizes!

I really like the simple lines of this fantastic shadow photo that @moisdcs entered.


@otage always finds fabulous shadows, and I love this selfie shadow with his tall friend!


@betterthanhome entered this wonderful shot of this shadow under the bridge in Brisbane, Australia.


And another fantastic Australia shadow comes from @jayclar30 of her and her husband standing on a jetty in South West Rocks.


@schmidthappens contributed this beautiful shot of shadows under the Hermosa pier. And I also want to add a thank you to him for being a big supporter from the beginning and one of the reasons the Shadow Contest has been able to continue for 16 weeks!


@txatxy entered this rather complicated photo with shadows and reflections!


@shasta entered the most creative shadow photo this week by putting objects in an old wheelbarrow, adding water and casting shadows of a dolmen, a cresent, and some chevrons to create some standing stone shadows. Be sure to check out her post which explains this one!


@donald27 entered this shadow of a tree that is near his home that is enjoying the rainy season.


I really like this one from @zoricatech because there is no doubt that the focus of the photo is on the shadow!


@maxili63 entered these lovely shadows at a fishing port in Venezuela.


And I love this little bamboo bridge shadow in Bangladesh that @angryboy entered.


There were great photos this week and I wish I could include more of them here! I can't wait to see the entries for next week!

Shadow Photos Contest- Round 16- Lamp Posts

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