Gifts From Papa-Pepper

The Positively Planterific Post Pickup


Today was a meat-grinder of a day. It was always going to be an implement of meat grindage in the life-dealing department, but a sharing and generous Steemian's thoughtful gift put a smile of gratitude-glow on my mug!

I knew that @papa-pepper had mailed me some plants, and I was super excited to get that parcel. Like Christmas morning when you are six excited! So when I saw the yellow parcel card in my Post Office box; I knew that the General of Generosity had struck again!


To say thank you is polite, but it doesn't quite convey just how much gratitude I feel about the awesome gift from Papa and his family, so I am taking a page out of his book as a means of expressing my gratefulness. I'm going to share this great gift with friends and family! @jacobtothe lives close to me, and I already asked him if he would like a hops rhizome. The current paying it forward plan revolves around being a good steward of my plant bounty and gifting future cuttings to those near to and far from me.

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@papa-pepper's generosity and community spirit is such a fine example of what is so special about Steemit. I have never been a part of a community as full of so many creative, knowledgeable, hilarious, and overall generous people. With that said, many, many, many, thank you's to you, Papa-P! You be good people!!!

Also, as soon as this frozen waste starts warming up, there will be a post and a parcel of goodwill plants heading your way!

And as always, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's postal tape adhesive covered iPhone.

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