Shary's Writing Prompt Contest#2 - Roses are Red



( A short love story)

It was freezing cold outside. Nonetheless, she woke up at the first ring of her alarm, set on her cell phone. She found it difficult to open her eyes, but still she sat up in her bed and squinted outside the window. The sight was beautiful, as it was snowing.

Tying her hair in a bun, she jumped out of bed and went straight into the kitchen to put on some coffee.

Meanwhile, she took a hot shower and freshen her self up. Blow dried her hair and dressed up in black long coat and denims. Because he liked black on her.

She poured herself some coffee and stood beside the window. Excitement was building inside her. She couldn't stop smiling, thinking of him.

After finishing coffee, she grabbed the keys and rushed out of the house and drove straight to the nearby subway. Where he usually arrived after work. So, that's what she was doing early morning, everyday.

She was sure the wait was going to over now. As he promised, he will be back in coming 7 days, in any case. She was going to that subway every morning before heading to her office, since the week began. She always went to receive him. Today was the last day of the week and she was sure that today was the day.

Her anxiety grew, as hours spent by. He was nowhere to be seen. She was holding on to hope and it was slipping away from her. She spent the entire day there. When the evening sky spread over, she made her way back to the home heavy heartedly.

An unknown fear was slowly suffocating her soul. She was pacing the house since her return and made plenty of phone calls at all the numbers, she could thought of. But all in vain. Then all of a sudden, she got a call that was enough to shatter her little hope. Someone was saying, "your husband's plane is missing".
Being a military pilot, he had to go on missions for days sometimes. But this never happened before.

She used to send him off with a lot of advises. He would just smile, in return.

She was still standing there, trying to be hopeful but tears rolled down her cheeks and she couldn't stop herself. Her mind drifted to a conversation, that happened years ago.

He said, "You know my life is always at risk. I have took an oath to serve my country as my number one priority."

She said, "You do your job. I wish a long life for you. But I want to spend my life with you now, there is no turning back."

She shuddered at the thought of losing him but didn't express. They used to discuss it before they got married.

How many days and nights passed, she had no idea. It was all the same for her. She was in agony and didn't want to think of the worst scenario.

A few days later, she received a bouquet of beautiful roses while at work. Her heart raced, it was very much familiar. The kind of roses and the arrangement. Her eyes froze to a note attached to it. As she looked at the familiar signatures, her heart pounded badly. Without informing anyone she was racing back to home. It was her birthday and she had forgotten. But someone remembered, like always.

Within few minutes, she was at the doorstep and slowly opened it with shivering hands. It was dark inside and the house was drenched in silence as usual. Disappointment engulfed her again. She sat on the floor and began sobbing.

She was thinking about the sender of flowers still held in her hand tightly, when a voice said, "Did you like the flowers?", from behind. She jumped to that voice and saw him standing in the door.

In the next moment, she was hugging him and cried all her heart out. He kissed her forehead and said, “Happy Birthday, love”.

Later on, he explained what had happened. How his plane got crashed, how he managed to eject, landed on a deserted area, injuries, loss of connection with everyone.

All that mattered to her now was that he was back. She couldn't be more happier or at peace. She had the worst time of her life. But she was glad it was over.

Next morning, she woke up to the sounds of birds. She was enjoying the chirping and peaceful morning, when she realised that he was not ok.

Something was wrong with the way he was lying and then there was blood dripping from his nose. She quickly checked his pulse but couldn't find any. She called an ambulance, frantically. But doctors told her that he was no more. There were some fatal head injury. It was a miracle that he lived up to so many days.

Her whole world came to a halt. She couldn’t breathe. She wanted to die. She was going insane. She got hospitalized for treating her traumatized condition. This time it was over for sure.
Few Months Later

When the first rays of the sun hit the earth, she stopped her car in front of graveyard. She brought red roses with her, the kind they both loved. She placed the flowers on her late husband's grave and sat there for hours. Remembering good old days. So nowadays, that was what she was doing early morning, everyday.

This is my first time writing a story. Because of the limited words allowed and being my first time and no professional experience as a storyteller, i am sorry if there are holes in it, which i am sure there must be.

Still i would like to hope that you enjoyed.
And feel free to give reviews.

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