Everyone Subscribe to My Financial Newsletter To Avoid The Shemitah Jubilee Apocalypse LULZ

Member when the world was going to collapse by October 2016 because of the Jubilee and the Shemitah?
Well in case you forgot, here is one YouTube video where this claim was made emphatically. The amount of unsubstantiated fear mongering bullshit that comes of out this scam artists mouth is ludicrous.
Now do you all remember the "SUPER SHEMITAH", this ridiculous claim that this guy had figured out some sort of financial agenda based on some Jewish high holiday garbage. "Please confront your fears" lulz, how about please confront your never ending list of fear porn bullshit videos you made to generate a buzz and internet fame for yourself Jeff Berwick @dollarvigilante.

More Evidence that Jeff Berwick is a Scam Artist
Listen to these interviews and make up your own mind. Thanks to @StellaBelle for interviewing these people.
Playlist I compiled: Link
Still not convinced? Well that's too damn bad, I got other fish to fry and this dude Jeff shoots himself in the foot all the time with his ridiculous claims and scams. Never seen any retraction for any of this from him or any explanation for any of these videos, or why he got this Shemitah / Jubilee thing so wrong. Just thought I would remind everyone that these types of prediction scams to make money hurt the truth movement and by calling these types of people out I am just trying to dissuade others in the future from trying to do similar ridiculous scams. The SUPER SHEMITAH for crying out loud, how people didn't see through this back when I was calling him out is beyond me.
With that being said I don't disagree with everything that this Jeff guy has said, I just am saying he is a bullshit scam artist who spewed crap like the Shemitah stuff to make money and he should own up for it. When I make errors I make videos explaining how and why I was wrong, he should do the same. It also seems like he owes some people some explanations in regards to the passport scam he ran in the past.
Expectation of Butthurt Comments
I already know some TDV Fan boys are going to leave ridiculous comments below and get all super butthurt over this article without addressing a single criticism. Enjoy, I won't be responding to anyone who engages in that type of ridiculousness, anyone with legit comments will illicit a response, everyone else can just get ignored.
Peace Everyone!
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