Shit post on a bad hair day

This is one of the rare days where I allow myself to do a shit post because I'm feeling so shitty, or a bad hair day as my friend LUT would call it.

Shitty event #1 - spent ten minutes typing a post on my mobile phone. When I reopened the file to continue, the Chinese characters wouldn't show up so I spent another half an hour to re do it again only for the same thing to happen. Now I can't post my not-shitty post because I can't be bothered to do it again

Shitty event #2 - childish hubby totally pisses me off by being a complete asshole this morning

Shitty event #3 - it was chucking down with rain all morning and I can't go out

Shitty event #4 - I wanted to format another post by including a table in the middle of it. Spent 45 minutes perfecting the table format but when I lifted it into Steemit to preview it, the table dropped to the bottom instead of where I wanted it. Have asked a few people already, hopefully there's a markdown guru out there who can help me out

A quadruple shit day like this means I have to pull out all my stock of crisp and chocolate

Rant over. Its 7pm and I'm on strike tonight, not making dinner coz I'm still pissed off.

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