Shoe Shots No. 16 ~ Looking Darn Good In The Cowgirl/Country Fair Crowd ~ Original Photography and A Short Discussion ~

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Fancy, Stomp-Dancin', WWOT* Cowperson Under The Tornado'd House, Shoes ~

Whether hanging out with the livestock at the County Fair, kickin' it at the funky Country Fair, or dancing the night away in a ballroom discotheque, these shoes are what I'd call a 'Cow-Pasture Classic'

I discovered this highly unique foot attire while wandering around and looking down at the Oregon Country Fair a while ago. I'm pretty sure they are some sort of low-top, hot weather cowboy boot/dress-shoe combination, intended for the warm months of summer.

Then again, the average barnyard cow has more fashion sense than I do. So possibly a large 'nevermind' may be in order on that style assessment.

The Self-Made Cobbler

But I am wondering if someone made these themselves, by cutting and stitching down a pair of cowboy boots, or if they were made this way straight from the factory. They DO look to be well constructed, suggesting an intentional design from drawing board through final stitch and counter-buy. I'm presently prone to lean in that direction.

Though that is not to say that someone couldn't make these at home. There certainly are many talented people out there in the world not working for a factory or other such place, that could pull this off with true footwear 'flanache'. (Panache with a certain flair added in for good measure.)

Whatever or however these came about, they are one stylish pair of leather footies. Though if I was ever fortunate enough to wear them, I'd be sporting a really cool pair of striped red and white socks inside, all fuzzy and fine. Terry cloth would be ideal.

Here He Comes Again

Sort of like in the Wizard of Oz. I'm sure you have all seen that classic opening scene...where the house falls from the sky on the Wicked Witch from one cardinal direction or another. (North. East? Any suggestions addressing this which-witch clarification would be highly appreciated below.)

Actually, I find this all quite interesting to sit and ponder...
To me, these look to be a cowboy sort of shoe. And the Wizard of Oz was heavy into the flying cow, zinging around in the funnel cloud as the Dorothy family looked on from inside the farmhouse, peering out into the the tornado at the outset of the movie. And one year for Halloween I dressed up as The Cow In The Tornado from the Wizard of Oz. I looked good!

And though I don't own any cowboy boots, I did have a pair of Frye boots once, years back. Which look a lot like a similar type of style-boots called Dingos. And a Dingo is a type of wild dog found in Australia. And Australia has a lot of cowboys. REAL cowboys. And cowboys like to dance on their cowboy break's from the herd on Saturday night. Probably wearing shoes like these. Well, at least the girls they choose to dance with on Saturdays' do.

So, this all makes sense on one scale or another, in a Six Degrees of Separation, Down Under, Wizard of Oz, Kevin Bacon-ish, dancing cowgirl sort of way. Steep Duff for a Friday in July at the funky Oregon Country Fair.

Well, thanks for stopping in, and viewing the latest in Photo Phootwear.

~ Finto ~

Have any thoughts about cool, unique shoes, movies with witches and cows and flying houses, fairs, or other areas of our planet where unique shoes reside? If so, please feel free to chime in and Comment below. Thanks again for stopping in for more discussions on Shoe Shots from the amazing layers of the world below our knees.

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Post: July 14, 2017 11:45 AM

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