Shout Out Saturdays - Catweasel Style - 23-06-2018

I mentioned in an earlier post that today is Saturday. If I do not pay attention to myself how can I expect anyone else to? So with further adon't here is @crazybgadventure's #shoutoutsaturdays. Today is S for Saturday.

@thesteemengine: Okay, so it's stretching it to ignore the "the" to get an "s." So sue me. TheSTEEMEngine discord is home to the next three shoutees and many other fine folks.

@shadowspub and I are often exchanging blows comments. She has a lot of good things to say, occasionally even good things to say about me.

@slobberchops is able to make the job of stockboy rivetting. Episode after episode we are hanging on by our fingernails waiting for the next installment. Look for Kwiksave in his blog, but pack a lunch. And dinner.

@sultnpapper has the discipline to publish "Daily Dose of Sultnpapper." Daily! His doses are not always breathless prose, but I never feel I wasted my time on one. On the contrary they range from interesting to fascinating. Except his barbeque series. Complete waste of time unless you are interested in reviews of the best bbq restaurants in Texas and the towns he finds them in.

@steemitboard is here because I received notice that I've been on Steemit 1 year today. If I had not written about that I would not have noticed it is Saturday. Had I not noticed today is Saturday I would have gone blithely on trying to finish one of several posts I'm working on and you may not have heard of these great people.

Today was S for Saturday. The dogs want out and I want a nap.


Trust me, I'm a doctor.

I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.




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