Shoutout Saturdays #4 - April 14th

UPDATE: I had actually started this Shoutout in a previous week and failed to edit it before sending it out.

What a great sunny Saturday to kick off Shoutout Saturdays. Note: I was busy yesterday offline so, this Shoutout Saturday is being posted on Sunday.

There is an ice storm happening today. It's forecast to continue throughout Saturday and into Sunday. I know it's Canada but ice storms in mid-April in my part of it is not the norm. I don't plan on going anywhere, keeping power on could be interesting.

#### Shoutout Saturdays is the brainchild of @crazybgadventure to give a shoutout to some people here on the platform that make a difference or could deserve some notice. A minimum of three with no maximum. Take part and use #shoutoutsaturdays as a tag

There are a lot of people on this platform who have made a difference in many ways of my time on here. Both to me and for others. I’ll never cover them all in one post so, it will take many weeks and well, I’ll come across others as I go. I have no doubt about that.


This lady hails from India and joined the platform in 2017. I haven’t directly interacted with her although I noticed she joined @thewritersblock the other day. I have been noticing her 365 Days of Writing challenge in which she publishes a photo a day for participants to use as a prompt to produce what ever content they wish. Interesting concept.


He joined the platform in December 2017 and has quickly moved to establish himself in a project to support the growth of minnows on the platform called @buddyup. It’s an interesting concept. I’ve not tried it out yet but am planning on doing so pretty soon. @calumam has been a regular on PYPT and the passion he has for the @buddyup project has been evident. Drop into the Buddy Up Discord and check out his work.


He joined in August 2017 and quickly made his presence felt with his off the cuff and prolific philosophical conversations in various discords. He’s also shows himself to have a very big heart and a drive to help. That may have something to do with the name of the discord he has setup for new people on the platform called Helpie


I first encountered @kenistyles on a Facebook group called Steemit Mastermind Group. The goal of the group is to encourage and grow engagement among the membership. He’s moved the group over to discord where he continues to expand his own involvement in the Steem communities which have developed.


A professional basketball player from Croatia currently living in Italy, @awakentolife joined the platform in 2017. I first encountered him in the predecessor to @thesteemengine where he quickly showed his leadership skills and ever positive outlook on life. He’s carried that over to @thesteemengine where I will often get a notifier from each day and find his positive words to start my day.

So, those are my choices for this week. There are really great people on the platform. I know I’ll only scratch the surface through these posts.

Finally, Let Me Challenge You.

I am tossing out the challenge to everyone I do a shoutout to — join the Saturday Shoutouts party and introduce us to some of those you interact with that make the Steem experience better.

In case you missed it at the top of the post:

#### Shoutout Saturdays is the brainchild of @crazybgadventure to give a shoutout to some people here on the platform that make a difference or could deserve some notice. A minimum of three with no maximum. Take part and use #shoutoutsaturdays as a tag

steemit ramble

Until Next Time — Just Steem on

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