There are many theories in science that try to explain the nature of our reality and while some of them make sense and are easily grasped by the common person, some of the others are real head spinners that probably only a scientist could fathom.
Anyways, I just love reading, writing and talking about these theories because it gives me an excuse to use my mind to think about all sorts of possibilities and repercussions and what not.
One such theory that I was talking about with a good friend yesterday was the theory of parallel universes, or "the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics" to be more precise.
Although a controversial one, this theory is quite interesting to think about, particularly because of the literally infinite possibilities that it allows.
Trading Lives With Another You?
So, basically what this theory says is that anything that could have happened in the past, has happened in any of the alternate universes and anything that can happen in the future, will happen in any of the alternate universes.
This would essentially mean that there are an infinite number of universes out there and everything and anything that you can think of actually exists as a reality in one of these universes. This has an interesting implication for us too.
This implies that there are an infinite number of "you" in the multiverse each leading slightly or hugely different lives, depending on the infinite number of variables that we deal with since or even before our births.
So, in theory, in one of these universes, you could be a doctor and a pirate in another! In fact, anything that you can imagine about you is a reality in one of the infinite universes. This makes you think, doesn't it? What if you could trade lives with a different you, temporarily or even permanently?
Imagine the thrill of conversing with an alternate version of you and then being able to lead a completely different life in a completely different universe. If technology advances to ridiculously advanced levels and if this becomes true in say a million year's time even, I wonder what life would be like!!