challenges time ! 🙌

So I've been very busy lately and I got overwhelmed with challenges. I did delay them, but I didn't ignore them. A Lannaster always pays his debt😎.. I mean a Ben Salem 😄

Let's get starting with no long introductions because the post is already gonna be long.

The first challenge is 10 Things I Wish I Knew by @felobtc.

For someone who claims he has no regrets, this was a very hard challenge, but here's what I could come up with:

  • I wish I knew about bitcoin when it was a million times cheaper that it is today.
  • I wish I knew about steemit at least a year ago.
  • I wish I knew I will need German language when I had the chance to choose it as my fourth language.
  • I wish I knew @Saffisara earlier 😊
  • I wish I knew how much valuable time is when I used to have much. There are so many things I wish I did instead of watching all the movies and series that I watched. In the other hand, That time wasn't totally wasted, thanks to it, I could improve my english which turned out to be very useful for me, not just in steemit.
  • I wish I knew how addictive some of my bad habits are so I could have avoided them.
  • I wish I knew about some opportunities before their deadlines came (I missed a lot of opportunities because of that).
  • I wish I knew how hard are things to learn when you grow up so I would have learned them when I was younger instead of delaying them.
  • I wish I knew how useless some projects I got myself in. There was no way to know that but the way I did, but I can still wish.
  • I wish I knew what to do when some unexpected things happened in my life and made me very confused that I did some reactions that I could de better than them.

The second challenge is Love It/Shove It that's where @Nikolina challenged me, and I can't remember who else did:

Love 👍

1- I love my family: I'm 27 years old and I still live with my family and they have no problem with that, in the contrary, whenever I move out for a year or two, they make an important ebent out of my visits.
2- I love my friends: I have some really crazy friend who make it impossible not to enjoy their company. I've known one of them since I was 3 or 4 years old and we went through life together. Even if we don't meet for few months or even a year, the second we meet, everything is normal again and we catch up with what we missed so quikly.
3- I love karate: I started training since I was very young, and I kept stopping and coming back because of my sirconstances, but I never lost my passion. By the way I started training again this week.
4- I love money 🤑 as a mean to :

  • Confort: life can become easier when you have money, and I know what I'm saying when I say easier not easy
  • Helping people: money is influence, you can't change anything in this world and you can't fix anything if you don't have that influence.

5- I love Football: both watching and playing. My favourite teams are Club Africain from tunisia, Real madrid from Spain and Bayern munchen from Germany.

Shove 👎

1- When someone doesn't keep his promise
2- When my time gets waisted becose of a bad decision or because of someone else who didn't respect my time.
3- Exploitation, humiliation, disrespect that young people face everyday at work.
4- Racism, islamophobia, prejudice and everything that can make people hate each other before knowing each other.
5- When I put so much effort in something and then don't get anything or too little in return.

The third challege is Show your eyes color by my twin, you all know who she is 😉

Well this is the easiest challenge ever. I mean, who doesn't know his eyes color?

Mine are black !


... I think! hmm maybe Brown ? 🤔


Or Red ..


I don't know.. You tell me 😏


something else.jpg

The fourth is The challenge tag #kolegas - Graffiti!

All of these amazing graffitis and much more (I have about a dozen in my gallery) are taken in one place

Djerba 😍

If one of my friends did challenge me and I forgot to take the challlenge, don't hesitate ! tell me and I'll do it in my next challengeS post 😄


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