Have You Been This Sick? My 3 Month Journey

In mid February of 2017, I came home from the gymnasium after playing basketball. I was a bit damp from playing and I didn't change into some dry clothes immediately. When I sat down and I could fell a little tickle in my throat.

After watching TV for a few hours, I got up and took a shower and then I went to bed. The next morning I felt bad. As the day went on, the worse I felt. I went to sleep for several hours during day. I was shivering and could not seem to get warm. I put on several things to keep warm; I put on a hoodie, skull cap, and two pair of socks. I wrapped up in a few blankets. The next day, I called into work.

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I had flu like symptoms and started to feel a small pain in my side. My nose was running and I had head congestion. I started taking over the counter medicine, but it didn't help much. This lasted for a few days. My wife told me to make an appointment to see the doctor. So after about a week of feeling bad, I went to an urgent care facility near my house.

After the examination, the doctor told me that I had a viral infection and she prescribed Prednisone, an inhaler, and some cough medicine. I took the medication and I started to feel a little better, but a week later, I started to worse again. I called the doctor back and asked if she could call me in some antibiotics. She did and prescribed my some Amoxicillin. I took this for 6 days, but the sharp pain had returned on my left side.

I was really starting to get concerned. Oh, I forgot to mention, that I experienced some side effect from taking the Prednisone.

I could not sleep more that 4 - 5 hours at a time and there were nights that I didn't sleep 2 hours. I was not getting better and the lack of sleep really affecting me. I could remember one night when I woke up after sleeping only a couple of hours. I had a dreamed about me being sick.

Upon waking up I continued with the dream and I determine the reason I could breathe properly was because my lungs were programmed incorrectly. I had a variable mismatch that was disrupting my respiratory system. I thought about this for at least 20 minutes after waking up. Then it dawned on my that I was hallucinating. See I'm a computer programmer and during the past two weeks I had been working on a problem that I could not figure out.

The Prednisone had me 'trippin' and I didn't know it.

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Before I completed my regime of Amoxicillin, the pain on my side returned and I breathing was very labor intensive. So I went back to the Urgent Care facility and the doctor gave me an X-Ray. The results came back negative. The doctor sent me home and told finish the rest of my antibiotics and I should feel better. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. It has been a month since all of this started. I was getting really tired.

A week later, after working from home for the day, I ate and went to a meeting. On the way I could feel a intense pain across my chest and it was slow moving toward my left side. I finished my meeting and headed home. Upon arrival, my wife and I were talking and I had to take a breath after each sentence. My wife asked if I was feeling okay, I told her I was fine. But the more we talked she didn't believe me. She asked if I should go to the emergency room. I said no initially, but after waiting for another hour or so, I changed my mind and we left.

I check into the emergency room and the nurses were asking me what was wrong. I ran through the history of the last 6 weeks. I repeated the same story to the doctor when he came in. I told him that I could feel pain in my back as if I could feel 'cold' in my back. He looked like I was speaking a foreign language.

He had no idea what I was talking about. I was so disappointed, I couldn't believe he understand what I was saying. I knew what my body was telling me and what I felt. I start to cry... I was tired of being sick and being told by doctors that they could find anything wrong with me.

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Anyway, the nurses started working on me. They gave me an IV with some saline solution, took blood out of both arms (after having poked me 4 or more times). I took another chest X-Ray. They gave me a breathing treatment containing Albuterol and some pain medication. Then I waited for a few hours while the results from the blood working and chest X-Ray was being processed.

A nurse returned with my X-Ray results and she told me that she could not make an official diagnosis because the doctor would have to provide me that information. However, she said I appeared to have Pneumonia and noticed discoloration in my lungs. She also asked me if I have pain or discomfort in my back area.

Ah ha! Finally, someone was validating what I had been feeling. I knew what I was feeling wasn't normal.

While waiting on the results, a nurse came back into the room as said the doctor saw something in my blood work. As a result they ask me if I had an embolism. I replied, 'You mean a blood clot?' I said no. The blood work indicated a high probability of an embolism, therefore, I had to take CAT Scan of my chest. In order to take the test you had to sign a waiver. They injected dye in me and the technician told me that I'll feel a very hot sensation and that I might fill like I have to urinate. I was a very weird feeling, Afterwards, I returned to the room and awaited the results of that test.

The doctor eventually returned and he reported his findings. He told me that my D-Dimer levels were 4 times the normal reading. This test indicates a probability of an embolism. He said the CAT Scan of my chest was negative.

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The doctor said my X-Ray showed levels of fluid in my lungs. Thus he diagnosed me with Pneumonia. He prescribed a Athrithromax, Amoxicillian, and the dreaded Prednisone. This would be my second round of antibotics within the last 5 weeks. While taking my medication, specifically Prednisone, I noticed some similar side effects: inability to sleep and throat discomfort (Thrush). I took off work for a few days and then I returned to work the next week. I started to feel a bit better but that didn't last.

One day while at work, my supervisor saw me in the office and asked if I was feeling alright. I told her, I was feeling a bit worse and she told me to contact a specialist and make an appointment. I didn't do it right away. By the end of the week, I took her advice and went to see a Pulmonologist. Over the next few weeks, I took inhalers, asthma, and acid reflex medication. The specialist said that respiratory infections, acid reflex, and asthma all have similar symptoms.

I seem to be getting better, until one Monday while at work, I started to feel very bad and the pain in my left started to intensify. By Tuesday morning, I was having shortness of breath and it hurt to inhale and exhale. I returned to Pulmonologist and she was baffled. She thought I should not be experiencing Pneumonia like symptoms, however, I told her that it felt the same as before. At my request, she ordered X-Ray and gave me a steroid shot. She said if the result comes back positive, she will call in a prescription for me. Well a couple of days later, a nurse called my and told me the X-Ray indicated Pnuemonia. Now this is the 2nd time, I've had this within the last 60 days.

The doctor prescribed a new antibotic, Doxycycline. I took off of work for the next week and I rested and took my medication. Two weeks later I was driving to lunch, I noticed that I didn't feel sick anymore. My breathing was normal and pain free. I didn't have any discomfort at all.

Going forward, I will take the flu shot. Also, I plan to get a pneumonia shot as well. I can't remember ever being sick that long in my life. I glad the Lord allow me to recover.

In the future, I'll use this experience to stay to:

  1. Staying persistent
  2. Keep seeking medical care regardless of test results and diagnosis if I don't feel better
  3. Shop around for the best prices for medical tests (X-Rays, CAT Scans, Ultrasounds, etc.... The prices vary to over 300% between providers)

Thanks for reading,


Note: All the images are property of the copyright owners. I claim no authorship.

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