Sikhism - Meaning of MOOL-MANTRA

What is the Mool Mantra in Sikhism and What does it Mean?

Mool-Mantra is made up of two words Mool and Mantra. 

Mool simply means Original, Fundamental, Root or Seed.

Mantra again has two words in it; Mann- means mind, and Tra- means Tool. So, Mantra means Mindtool or a device to control the mind.

It is controlling the own mind and not some other person's mind.

Hence Mool-Mantra means the original or fundamental mind tool.

Now what is the Mool-Mantra in Sikhims?

Sikh Mool-Mantra is written in the beginning of the Sikh Holy Book "Guru Granth Sahib". 

It is written in Punjabi and I have translated it in English using the small knowledge blessed to me. 

Below are the links to three posts I did on EKK-OUNG-KAAR

Meaning of EKK

Meaning of OUNG

Meaning of KAAR

As of my understanding, EKK-OUNG-KAAR is the root symbol for Creativity (without form and with form) and the rest of Mool-Mantra is Characteristics of EKK-OUNG-KAAR.

Please be advised that this effort is only to inform my fellow Sikhs and people from other religions about the Sikhism. Sikhism is about freedom and respecting all other religions and not forcing its beliefs on other.

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