BUY Silver and Gold NOW - YOU ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME. Read this Report to protect your future.

We all have been watching the crypto markets go up and down like a roller coaster on steroids here of late. I was quite amazed at How bitcoin, Ethereum, cyrpto's in general, and even Steemit had shot up with mind blowing force last week. This week the expectation was that crypto's were all going to volley higher. All of us were a bit shocked to see the smack down. There were similarities that came out of this smack down that I noticed right away. Crypto began acting like the Stock Market. Uncertainty brings fear, and fear brings selling pressure.
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In the Precious Metals market things are a bit different. Its the "same ole same ole". Comex sells billions of dollars worth of useless paper contracts to send selling pressure to the Precious metals markets. This goes on every day. You see, the Comex System and every banking system in the World sells one thing...That is DEBT. If you don't go into more debt then they loose money. Of course the precious metals market is one of the bank's main targets of manipulation. If control is lost over the precious metals sector then the "banking system" will implode upon itself and precious metals would spike so high everyone would be talking about it. The Precious Metals Sector is the place to be in. Prices are so low that its really a no brain'er in whether to buy or not (silver specifically). Silver is currently priced at $16.79 per troy oz.

Looking at the chart on the U.S. National Debt Clock Web site (located in the bottom right corner of this website ) is the U.S. dollar ratio to 1 oz of Silver bullion. Currently the price of 1 oz of silver is priced at a whopping $846 per oz. So $846 would buy 1 oz of silver. The banks are rubbing this price in our faces. They are boldly saying "look at the actual price verses the manipulated price on the comex". What happens if and when the game is up? Market crashes, dollar gets devalued, property values plummet, etc.

Article continued below this picture of today's actual price of silver on the U.S. National Debt Clock -

The price of Silver, in my humble opinion (when the World Markets do crash), will be placed at the actual trading level of what is now on the U.S. debt Clock. Could you imagine owning 10 oz of silver today? At today's price that would cost you roughly ($167.90). Taking into account the actual numbers of what silver is truly worth against the U.S. National Debt based dollar, 10 oz of silver would cost you ($8,460). That's a pretty good profit in my opinion. Now, lets say you buy 100 oz of silver today at ($1,679). The U.S. National Debt clock says otherwise. The price of that same 100 oz's of silver is worth, in their estimation, a grand total of ($84,600). $1,679 to $84,600. Now I have your attention.

Do you want to be financially secure in the future. All of us know what the future is going to bring. There will be collapse. World Collapse. You will want to be holding tangible assets such as silver and gold. Try bartering for bread using a crypto currency with your cell phone (by the way, your cell phone bill just jumped to a monthly cost of probably around $400 per month during this crash phase).
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Silver and gold are not just money, they are emergency insurance in times of trouble. My opinion is simply this, go out and buy some silver. Put the SILVER away for that bleak day in the very near future. Think about it. You will not only save your portfolio, you will also be saving your life, and the lives of your loved ones. Good luck to all. Thanks for taking the time to read this brief article. Have a great day.
Go silver! (Article written by Tim Crowe "Crowe")

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