Silver - bright future ahead

These are the reasons why silver has a bright future.


The ancient relic, silver, seems to have a bright future in the next couple of years, and the reasons are below:

  • India's demand soared. 340 million ounces of silver was imported to India in 2015

  • The demand for silver due to solar energy will reach its peak in 2018

  • The supply reached a peak in 2015 and will gradually decrease in the next ten years

  • Unstable political environment, money rushing to safe haven like gold and silver


The gold and silver ratio is very close to the peak now, and the ratio is expected to drop while silver will rise ahead of gold and perform better in the next couple of years, just like every single bull market of gold and silver before.


In the recent economist magazine, a word "Xi" appears in the new world currency. Does it imply the Chinese? Since the Chinese leader's surname is exactly "Xi". Is China going to play a very important role in the upcoming change of monetary system? And will silver play a critical role, just like in the ancient time?

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