Gold: they really did a number on you...

You know it's kind of sad?

When humanity's Long time relationship with Gold as a sound and honest medium of exchange for goods and services has been reduced to this…


Now, i'm not knocking super Mario or any other video game for that matter. I actually quite enjoy playing the old school video games, but I just find it curious that a majority of millennials will equate gold coins with a video game objective of accumulating as many of them as possible. Equally funny is that these video game coins serve no real monetary value within the game either. How is it that our relationship with precious metals has been reduced to this?

Would you believe me if I told you that for a nearly 40 year long period, Gold was illegal to privately own by citizens beginning with a massive confiscation of coins in 1933? With this precious substance completely vanishing as tangible store of wealth in many households, The public perception of it gradually waned as future generations forgot about the importance of it as real money. By 1971, the very last vestige of a gold standard (The Breton-Woods system) was dismantled by Richard Nixon. Overnight gold was once again legal for citizens to own but it was no longer legal tender but just a commodity.


Gold is been valued as money universally for thousands of years, but all it took was 40 years of illegality in the United States for the world to forget Gold is having monetary value. This is astounding...

In these modern times, It is actually now difficult to even conceptualize that Gold was even use his money at all.

"Whaaaa?? They used to for things in gold and silver??"

Yup, indeed they did and trust me my friend. These times we live in are the exception to a very long historical monetary tradition. We live in a fake reality which is mathematically destined for system failure.

Fiat Currency, which is printed like crazy and backed only by empty promises of future wealth, can only last for so long until it no longer trusted. Unlike gold and silver, paper is not a store of value. Sadly, the majority of people will only realize this aftertheir savings are reduced to zero value.

What once was, will come to be again...

Will you be positioned correctly in the hour of the reevaluation of silver and gold?

I sure hope and pray that you get reacquainted with the only REAL money on the planet. Gold and Silver are the medium of exchange of our ancestors, 3-4 generations back and beyond.

Time to wake up, Ask questions, think critically and most importantly of all, TAKE ACTION! Your future depends upon the information you take in!


Wealthy Body, Mind, Soul and pockets!!


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