Yeah, Econ 101 States, A Flattening Yield Curve Is A Precursor To A Recession:Craig Hemke

Craig Hemke is the creator and owner of TF Metals ( In this interview with Craig the conversation begins with the discussion of the silver flash crash, Craig gives his take on what actually happened. The conversation continues with how gold and silver are manipulated. Craig doesn't believe the banks are manipulating the precious metals market, through his research he believes computer algos have now taken over and they are used to keep gold and silver suppressed.

Craig talks about how the economy has not improved and that the Fed is doing the same thing that it has always done in the past, raise the short term rate and hope it would effect the long term rate. This did not happen in 2005-2007 and it is not happening now, instead we are seeing a flattened of the yield curve. When we see this happen the economy is either in a recession or headed for a recession.

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