The Infinity Dragon

The following unboxing may just reach new heights of asskicking magnitude for the exposé of a single silver coin!

Let me start off right, and set my “post pic” and teaser...


That’s father Ray’s Steemit decal from before the logo change... it still looks killer as hell, and man o man is that a quality decal — on like Donkey Kong from 6 months ago: through numerous carwashes, snowfalls and general wear&tear... and it still looks fresh!


Ray’s decal has become a part of the Vovo — my family’s escape pod and travelling sanctuary. It’s nothing fancy, and it’s almost vintage, but it’s a killer ride that both boys like and my girl thinks is responso-chic! ...and it’s pretty nice to drive too, especially on the highway.

So yadda, yadda, yadda... wanna’ see the newest prize, and prized, booty?



Thomas Edison to Neil Armstrong! Brockman to Damus! This is the shizz!


Okay, okay, gettin’ there horn-dogs !!!



This is a ree-donk coin! 2oz. Massive Premium. 8,888 limited mintage. A collector’s coin through and through... for obvious reason





This is the coin that “nobody” has. It is truly outlandish, obscure, offensive even, and totally awesome! I’m glad i didn’t buy it, lol, but damn! This is one of those pieces that elicit questions like: “what the fuck is that?”

One day when the crowds come from miles around to gaze upon the shiny magnitude, and gasp at the glittering wealth of thedamus, this piece will be there to say: you ain’t seen nothing yet moFuck!

I was really happy to win this from @raybrockman — i have entered freakin’ everything and been shut out until now. I will hold this one for long time!


And i just can’t jeep my mouth shut... i have orher exciting news (read: unboxing) that i’ll try to assemble this damn night. However, i did just acquire one of the pieces that will be sent to RB in our lil’ tit4tat game — it’s a mad Bromance!!! And it’s my turn! Lofl!!!

So this evening as i count my blessings and drink from something new 🤪, an item that will accompany my canon-fire on down to Alabama, i sing the praise of Ray Brockman! A true asskicker and solid-as-amotherfucker-steemian — leading by example!!!

Thanks dude! Thaz a killer piece! your friend @thedamus — putting together (slowly) my response to your magnanimity and downright hilariosity!

Yo, Brockman! Better get yer racket re-strung 😜 and start jazz-er-cising! The retort will be sudden, shiny and sweet ⚡️👊😎⚡️

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