Welcome to Freedom Acres! I'm Amanda! Single Mom, Entrepreneur, Homegrown Food Fanatic, and YouTube Creator Coming to Steemit!

Hey Y'all! Welcome to Freedom Acres! I'm Amanda.007.JPG

I'm the single mom of a beautiful toddler, my Sunshine. Together we're growing as much food as we can on my parents 4 country acres. It's not easy to produce much of our food, cook from scratch, preserve for winter, and save for my own home with a toddler on my hip.. But I'm doing it!

Along with my entrepreneur aspirations, growing food affords me the luxury of staying home with my daughter. With determination and hard work, I'm finding I can do MUCH more than society has told me I could.

All I've wanted to be since childhood is a stay at home mother. I refuse to let that dream die just because my life didn't go according to 'the plan'. Instead I'm trying new things, keeping my expenses low, and making money in unconventional ways.

I don't believe any single parent should have to put their child in daycare because of financial stress. We need MORE parental involvement today than ever. The only realistic alternative to the time clock is entrepreneurship. If my life can inspire ONE other mom to live the life she dreams of, it's certainly worth sharing! :)

Join me on my journey to FREEDOM!!

To see our adventures, follow us here:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi_vmmb80qFaGrhMslioYLA
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/freedomacres
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myfreedomacres/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FreedomAcres1/

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