TIL: What REALLY Happens When You Swallow Chewing Gum!

Do you know what actually happens when you swallow chewing gum?
This has to be one of the biggest myths ever.
As a kid, we're told that a gum-plant will grow inside our body and the branches will eventually stick out of our ears.
And as a grown-up, you've probably heard the story that chewing gum doesn't dissolve and actually stays in your stomach for 7 years.
Well luckily, this popular myth is not true!
But what really happen when we swallow chewing gum then?


How do we normally digest food?

After chewing it into small chunks, the enzymes in our saliva start breaking it down.
Once it reaches our stomach, the enzymes and proteins there disintegrate it even further, until all nutrients are separated can be used in other parts of the body, and are separated from the waste products.

And what's the case with gum?

Chewing gum nowadays is being made from rubber (synthetic or natural) which is enhanced with artificial flavors.
So basically ... it's rubber mixed with chemicals.
When we swallow gum, our saliva and juices in our stomach will still try to break it down as much as possible.
They will be able to disintegrate some of the sweetners and flavor enhancers, but they won't be able to digest the actual base of the gum - the rubber.


What happens to the gum then?

It does not stick around for 7 years!
There are actually quite a lot of foods that we eat sometimes, but actually can't digest - for example dietary fibers, the cellulose in the husks of corn seeds or popcorn kernels.
All of these things get separated as waste products.
Through muscle tension, they are being carried through the digestive tract and just end up being passed out with the bowel movements.
There is no specific time frame for this process since everyone's digestive system works differently, but in general it will be around 1-3 days.


It's still not very healthy though!

Even though swallowing gum is not as bad as the rumors, you should still try to avoid it if possible.
If you swallow too many indigestible elements in your stomach, you could end up with a blockage (intestinal obstruction) which is painful and has to be removed surgically if it's not treated.

Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, Sources: 1, 2, 3

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