As my closest friends know, I love to dress up and jump into different roles! @stellabelle came up with a super great idea for this special time of the year! A Halloween Make-Up contest! I am not a professional make-up artist but I like to play around with it....
I saw so many different styles for Halloween. Catwomen, Ghosts, Zombies, Skeletons, Witches, Vampires and a lot more... So it was time to create a Steemit Halloween look!
I started using a way too light foundation to look more scary and identical to the Steemit Logo. Then I got the inspiration by a clown and chose a very similiar look but still just with Steemit colors, white and blue.
I am scared of using contacts so fake lashes were the best decision for this look....
If you wanna celebrate Halloween last minute and have no idea how you want to transform yourself, then go for my Steemit Look... You can change it up with some red color to look more bloody and spooky
Now I am gonna return back to reality and back to business
Special thanks to @sirwinchester and @agent for helping me out!
Stay focused