Week TWO of Six Week Health Challenge - Jogging In Gordon's Bay

Running along the coast in Gordon's Bay

Gordon's Bay will always be one of my favorite places to go, I'm a bit biased because I spent the majority of my life there. These beaches are where I got and developed my love for the ocean and everything that lives in it. Today @xramonahx, @chopelina and I went for an approximate 5.5km jog from the parking area in front of the main beach to the Whale Watching Point.

It was a nice day except for the wind which was howling and still is, but we made it. This is where we started off, at the main beach, if you look closely you can see the iconic GB sign on the mountain.

On the main beach is either a replica or a real cannon, I still have to do some research as to the origin of this interesting piece:

Having made a little progress I stopped to take another picture, this is a blog after all. Lo and behold, there was another blogger in the flesh @xramonahx doing her thing. Only after taking the picture she realized she was a bit to high for her taste and hastily retreated back to safety. Wanting to take the perfect picture will make you throw all caution to the wind.

Off we went once again, after a short while we jogged through some Stinkwood trees or Stinkhout trees (as known in Afrikaans) as the name implies they have quite a pungent smell.

Finally we reached one of our resting spots, Bikini Beach (unfortunately no bikini's were seen), one of the Blue Flag Beaches of South Africa. It is quite a small beach with not a lot going on, but I think that is why people enjoy coming here.

We stopped for a few minutes at the furthest side of Bikini Beach to chat a bit and take a few pictures. It was just after 7PM but it was still about 28 Degrees Celsius out, so frequent breaks were a thing.

After taking finishing with the break we went up the mountain a bit and reached the next look out point:

All along the route you will find some of the more expensive houses and B&B's, this is the place to stay if you want an awesome ocean view:

And here I stand, half way done with the run, I know 5.5km is not far by any standard. But for a swimmer and someone that does not particularly enjoy running it is!

Back we go!

It is always fun to see people enjoy something that you worked on, the Whale Walk was one of my projects a few years ago. Here is what it looked like during construction and after, this was built back in July 2015:

On our way back we made a quick detour into the harbor and decided to run along the harbor wall.

This is the view from the end of the harbor wall. They are currently busy building a pipeline in the harbor that will feed water to a desalination plant which will hopefully help with the drought.

We passed the South African naval College on our way back from the harbor:

On our way back the sun started setting and we missed the majority of it.. Thanks curvy roads..

I managed to snag a few decent pictures of the sun before it finally set, sometimes you can get the best photos here.

While jogging I had my Pokemon Go app running and managed to catch a few wales :P.

All-in-all it was a good run, we got some awesome photos, made some good memories and reached our daily targets as seen below.

Animated Banner Created By @zord189

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