Six Week Health Week Four: Tiramisu flavor oatmeal bars LIGHT microwave

Oatmeal Tiramisu LIGHT bars with microwaves, they are very simple to make and, above all, very tasty.

1 large cup of oats
5 tablespoons instant coffee
3 tablespoons cream cheese
1 tablespoon honey
1 banana
Cocoa to sprinkle
Optional sweetener

Crush the banana very well and mix it with coffee and sweeten it to taste

Add all the oats and integrate very well

Add 1 tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of cream cheese and mix well

Cook in the microwave 1:30 minutes

Remove from the microwave, add 1 tablespoon more cream cheese and mix. Cook in the microwave 2 more minutes with 1 minute intervals to mix

In a tray spread the mixture (you will see that the texture is like cream, try it, if it has a lot of banana flavor, add more coffee)

Then spread a spoonful of cream cheese throughout the mixture

Finally sprinkle with cocoa powder.


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