CHAOS cook KusaTsuri *11: Pudding WITHOUT Sugar and vegan! Six Week Health - Week FOUR

Loving pudding but it always contains toooo much sugar?

Ever tried a vegan one and in addition WITHOUT sugar?! At least the raspberry one 😉

It is really suuuper easy to make and you won't need that much!

I would like to show you one pudding recipe with two different sauces. The one with chocolate contains sugar so this one would only be for the people who can't have a dessert without chocolate. Try to use darker chocolate! But let me notice: The raspberry one tastes better!!!!!

By the way, I am SOOOOOO SORRY for not posting regularly the last two weeks!!!! I am really busy because of the exam session right now and it's just tough.... Especially with working at the same time and not forgetting my training to cool down a bit... I hope this will get better in a week but I won't promise anything! At least after the 5th of march I am free again and will be posting more!!!!!!! But let's get back to the recipe😉

Let's get started. The used ingredients:


  • 70 g millet flakes
  • 400 ml oats mil
  • 4-5 dates
  • 5-6 almonds

sauce 1

  • 250 g raspberries
  • 2 tablespoons of water
  • some blueberries (decoration)
  • balm (decoration)
  • rasped coconut (decoration

sauce 2

  • a DARK chocolate bar
  • some blueberries (decoration)
  • balm (decoration)
  • rasped coconut (decoration

First, we start with the dates. Let them soften in some water. Meanwhile heat up the milk. As soon as it starts to cook add the millet flakes and turn of the stove. Let the millet soak in the milk for about 20 minutes.

add millets and let them soak in the milk for about 20 min

Now take out the dates and put them in a mixer with 5-6 almonds. Depends on how much you like them . The dates will serve as sugar and make everything sweeter! Let the mixer do the rest until everything is minced.

mix dates and almonds until minced

Maybe around 5 minutes have already passed so we still have to wait for the millet and the milk. A perfect opportunity to start with the topping/sauce!
Take the raspberries and put them in a clean mixer with the two tablespoons of water. Mix until you get a smooth texture. And you are already done with the sauce! Easy right!

water and raspberries

mix until smooth texture

Meanwhile the millet should be ready. Add the dates and almonds and mix everything. Now you have your pudding texture. Place it inside some cups and let it cool down. I waited for around 15 minutes. Now turn around the cup on a plate and the pudding should fall out by itself! Otherwise let it cool down longer. Now put some sauce on top of the pudding and you are finished :D!!!

add dates and amlonds

place pudding inside cups

turn around the cup on a plate

put the sauce on top

Now you can add some blueberries, rasped coconut and some balm. Or anything else you want.

Enjoy it!!!!

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I have also an alternative for the chocolate fans! BUT this one is with sugar! So I prefer the raspberry one but this chocolate sauce fits great to the pudding, too.
Therefore you just need to melt a chocolate bar and you are done ;)

Some tips and suggestions:

  1. Millet is great because of the soft structure. I wouldn't recomment using oats but you can try if you want ;)
  2. The sauce can also be made out of any other fruit like strawberries.
  3. The more dates you use the sweeter it gets. But mine was pretty sweet already ;)
  4. I would add some more almonds next time...
  5. Put the pudding inside cold washed cups!

The only thing left is to wish you a Bon Appétit!!! And...
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