Insight *3: Stress? I have some solutions to offer! Six Week Health Challenge - Week THREE

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Nowadays, more and more people suffer from a burn-out or simply do not know how to handle stress the right way. The employer wants more productivity at work, the family wants more attention and some of the students just don't know how to earn money and simultaneously don't fail on (all) exams. The last one would be me 😅 😭 Knowing how to de-stress has become one of the important part of our life! Therefore I would like to share with you my experience in overcoming stressful periods :D

Because I have quite a few methods, I had to put them in categories:

  1. sport
  2. music
  3. games

Let's start with the first one: sport!

This is one of my favorite ways to de-stress. But there are a lot of different type of sport. So the first one I just love to do when I am stressed out is

playing Volleyball!!!


Why so? Well mainly because it is a team sport and the other team members distract you from your thoughts and duties! (During the training I am mainly busy with laughing because always something funny happens! Another good method to relieve stress 😉) In addition it's perfectly for letting out the frustration on the ball instead of on people or yourself.

me letting out my anger on the ball

And last but not least it just makes a lot of fun and this is essential! Unfortunately, I do not own a gym so I only can go playing Volleyball on certain days, the official training days. Therefore I need another method to relax...

For my second favorite sport you will need this:


Yes swimming! I love it! Mainly because of the cool and refreshing water surrounding your whole body while you are swimming/diving. It feels just like all your thoughts become clearer and you can handle everything! As I said refreshed and full of power. I like to swim without big brakes for around an hour. It is training and de-stressing at the same time and works perfectly.

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Especially when you go swimming in the evening. Because you have used up all your power you can sleep after it like a baby and as all of us know, sleep is one of the important parts to stay healthy AND stress free!


But here you have the same problem, I don't own a swimming pool and therefore have to pay for every visit. So I can't do that every time I am stressed out (just happens to often, especially right now^^). So I have a third method of calming down!

Here it comes: training at home!

I can do it any time and the only things I need for this are my sport clothes and a gym mat (not necessarily).


And you can already start with your beloved exercises for legs, arms, gut .... Just be creative or use some notorious exercises until you feel free from bad thoughts and the whole stress and can think clear again!

Here some photos that were made during my exercise. And yes, these were not readjusted ^^ (of course I won't show here every single one but some to inspire you ^^).




By the way, I like to train at home with an open window so I will get some fresh air at the same time. In summer I also like to do my exercises outside. And always place a bottle of water near you, you will need it 😉

So these were my three methods in the category sport.

Let's not waste time (or words) and continue with music!

Music belongs to one of the famous methods to relax, and not only for the body but also for the soul. Have you ever sang a song with your whole body? Meaning, feeling the song and just letting of all your accumulated emotions? No? Then you have to try it out! The result is absolutely amazing :D You don't have to sing good you just have to sing with everything you have. And afterwards you will be gasping for breath but feeling totally free! I love it but I only do this when no one is it home ;)

I first though about uploading a video were I am singing but I think I will have to wait with that until I am more confident ^^ Sorry for that!

And now my last category: games.

And by that I don't mean video games (well sometimes I love to distract myself like that). There are a bunch of other games that can keep you away from your stress!

Let me present you one of my favorite: CHESS!!

Yes that's right, I said chess. A game were you have to use your brain. This might sound crazy because the people that are stressed out often use their brain, but... in my opinion if you are using your brain in another way this might even benefit you. And by that I mean, while you are pondering over the next move you distract yourself from the stressful thoughts you had and train your other hemisphere.


Another game I learnt to love is Tavli

Maybe more known as backgammon. It's a game which combines luck and skills. A person with no skills has no chance to win just like one who has no luck! This makes everything interesting and challenging. Just try it out maybe some time ;)

So these were all of my methods ... but wait... I have one more^^
Sadly this one I can only use if it's snowing outside. I love to watch the snow falling. It has something calming. A nice cup of hot tea is the perfect combination for it ;) I always feel fulfilled afterwards!

If you have some questions about anything (especially the methods I mentioned here) don't hesitate to ask me!! I will try to reply to everything as long as my English Knowledge allows it ;)

I hope you will find your method to de-stress and these one could help a bit!!! And...
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