Six Week Health Week Four (Enjoy this delicious healthy dessert "Peach Clafoutis")

Hi friends, it always causes us to eat a dessert, but we are worried that if we eat a sweet we can gain weight, have risks of diseases such as insulin resistance, obesity and diabetes; But there are many ways to eat a dessert in a healthy way. How? using ingredients, low in calories, with sweeteners nature and few and flour elements integral or creales; as it is in this case that I present this delicious dessert low in calories and with a fruit rich in vitamins and antioxidants. I present you Enjoy a delicious and healthy healthy peach Clafoutis.


Makes for 4 people

200 ml of soy milk
6 tablespoons of flaxseed + 12 tablespoons of water
A pinch of salt
1 g of stevia (sweeten to taste with your regular sweetener)
50 g of oatmeal flour (whole wheat) sifted.
A bit of cinnamon.
1 ripe peach (I can use the tin ones too), I prefer them fresh.


1-Mix the 6 tablespoons of flaxseed with 12 tablespoons of water and let stand in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

2-Preheat the oven to 180 * C (moderate). use a 23cm diameter silicone tray for mixing.

3-Cut the peaches into thin pieces or strips and dry on paper towels.

4-In a medium bowl, mix the oatmeal, soy milk, flaxseed previously mixed with water, salt, stevia and cinnamon. Mix very well until you get a smooth paste without lumps.

5-Pour the previous mixture into a silicone tray and place the peach strips on this mixture and bring to the oven.

6-Bake 45 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from the oven and sprinkle with sliced almonds. Let cool and serve.

Ready to serve, low in fat, delicious and can be used for vegan diets.

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