Six Week Health Week Four (Passion Fruit Mousse)

The flan of passion fruit, in Fourth week of the Six Health Challenge organized by @healthsquared for the Week Four Challenge: make a healthy dessert !, @sweetsssj.

As we already know, to stop consuming sugar does not mean to deprive oneself of the cakes, tarts or pudding forever. There are alternatives equally rich and tasty, but healthier. Today we will make a wonderful tropical dessert, a mousse de maracuyá without sugar.

The passion fruit, better known as the passion fruit, is very rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber, it also contains vitamins A and C, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron, which combined with vitamin C helps make them better absorbed by the body.

It is also a low calorie fruit, since 100 grs. of the fruit contain only 97 calories. These nutrients allow us to have a better state of health, and also contains a lot of fiber, which helps reduce cholesterol levels and prevent bowel problems. It really is a fruit that is worth incorporating into our diet even if it is an exotic fruit because it is very healthy.

We know that it is not very easy to find this fruit, but little by little it is letting to be a rare fruit and it becomes more popular.


6 ripe maracuyas
1 and 1/2 cup of water
1 envelope of unflavored gelatin
1 cup of skimmed milk
1 cup skimmed milk powder
25gr of stevia or sweetener
2 egg whites
1 cup of skimmed natural yogurt


1-Preparing the ingredients

2-Crush the passion fruit pulp with a blender. Pass through a colander to remove the black seeds and reserve.

3-Hydrate the gelatin with a little warm water. Reserve.

4-In another container, mix the gelatin with the rest of the pre-heated water, wait for it to melt and mix with the passion fruit juice. We also add the well-whipped milk, milk powder and half the sweetener (stevia). We put this mixture in the fridge.

5-In the blender, beat the whites until stiff, until they are firm, then mix the remaining sweetener (half), the skimmed yogurt and then the passion fruit cream that we have reserved in the fridge.

6-Add the passion fruit preparation with the cream of milk. Add the unflavored gelatin and stir until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

7-Bring the mixture to individual molds.

8-Let stand in the fridge to set. Cover each of the molds with vinipel or clear plastic film.

9-Serve the traditional marcuyá mousse and decorate with a little passion fruit pulp on top of each of the desserts. Enjoy!

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