Walk with me!! A lot to see, I promise you! ~ WEEK TWO ~ Six Week Health Challenge ~

Hello guys !! 

Want to see some pictures I made today? It’s about me walking along my city. :P

You know this health challenge #sixweekhealth that’s been on steemit these days right? If you don’t, check it out at @healthsquare. He and wonderful @sweetsssj are helping us with a prize in order to do some good for our body! Ironic, right? It’s 100% win for us guys! So, get involved here

And right now, we’re in WEEK TWO and we need to take this long walk or run for our health.  So, I took this walk TODAY! Hope you enjoy my journey! Here it comes: 


I woke up this morning, drinking a glass of water as always (you should do that too if you don’t do it already), make myself a smoothie ( pretty much like this one ) and here I go, having some colored chalk in my hand,  yuhuuuu!   

This was my route! 

First pictures near my place.... Raiffeisen Bank ( an important bank in our country) and one of the best pizza places here, Trattoria!

I stopped by the local market, called Mihai Eminescu market! Mihai Eminescu was the most famous poet in our country. I did some shopping here:)

Here are some local diary, directly from the farmers (ricotta, milk, cheese, sweet chesse, youghurt)

And here are some walnuts, raw, unsalted, healthy, delicious, nutritious!!!

Ok, moving on.....

Next, some old buildings and streets, european arthitechture and art in this beautiful small western european city :) 

Roman Catholic Church "St. Anton of Padua

This is Me, in the park , with some pigeons, and feeling some cold :d 

The Red Church in Arad

As you can see, the weather was cloudy and also very cold! brrr...

And this is the outstanding City Hall of Arad:

Next, I was buying some stuff at this natural shop, where I bought for myself some vitamins for protecting my eyes (since a stay a big to much in front of the computer, some echinacea for immunity system and something sweet, like me haha:p 

We have many natural shops in Arad. This is one of the places where I can find all that healthy ingredients for my recipes.

Omg, this article its very long! Hope you have the patience to make it through the end. I will be delightful:) You will find out how kilometers I've been doing and some other beautiful things

Near the healthy food store, there is also a market where you can find local products, simple people, farmers :) you can find many handmade wooden items, foods, flowers, cheap things, etc. I should have taken a lot of photos, but it's already to much photos in this post:D


Next...it's yummy time!! I stopped by my fav vegan place in town. It's called Vegan Time. The food is healthy and delicious. I had lunch here. I had potato soup with tarragon and sour cream made of seeds. For second plate I had lentils & amaranth veganballs and Moroccan carrot sauté. And for dessert chia pudding with lime and matcha.

Meanwhile, I forgot to buy something at the market, so I had to come back. I found this raw bio unfiltred apple cider vinegar from a lady that intitules herself "The lady with the turban".  A turban is a type of headwear based on cloth winding. cause she wear that every day! unfertunetely, I couldn get her picture.:( but here is what I bought ( the ACV and some blueberries syrup without sugar) :p She has a lot of local great products.


As you can see, I reached 7.34 km, 12.124 steps, 2h 40min active time and 754 calories burned. I think its a big deal. And I fit within this challenge meaning a long walk. What do you think?

Also, to respect the rules, I took this walk today, within this week, and as a proof I setup my camera to show time and date (I know it its not necesarry needed but I guess this is me) 

Ok guys, I got home and look who's there for me! My Kitty! Omg, I love this creature with all my heart! 


This was my day, walking by step! Hope you enjoyed as much as I did.

Honestly, it was kind of interesting this day, It's been a long time since I havent take any photos in my city and interact with people. Cause believe me, I had some talking! Also, this funny guy, an old man wanted to take him a picture with my camera (cause he saw I have my camera) and he would let me go until I take him a pictures! So, I did. If you want to see it, just leave a comment! 

Ok guys, thank you very much for reading my story of today! 

Much love, 

Miss Deli  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥   ♥  

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