Trilingual - WEEK ONE of Six Week Health - Red Carrot and White Radish Stewed Lion's Mane Mushroom Soup | Sup Lobak Merah dan Lobak Putih Mereneh Cendawan Hericium Erinaceus | 红白萝卜炖猴头菇汤

Red Carrot and White Radish Stewed Lion's Mane Mushroom Soup (Suitable for Vegetarians)

In this cold winter, it is absolutely an enjoyment to drink a bowl of hot vegetable soup. Today, I’m going to share with you a recipe, how to stew a pot of nutritious yet nourishing "red carrot and white radish stewed Lion’s Mane mushroom soup."

The ingredients are as follows:


A red carrot (about 100 grams)
A white radish (about 150 grams)
Two Tomatoes
Lion’s Mane mushrooms (about 150 grams)
Wolfberries or Goji berries (1 tablespoon)



Sesame oil (1 tablespoon)
Ginger powder (one teaspoon) (Note: If there is no ginger powder, 20 slices of ginger can be used instead)
Salt (adequate amount)
Sugar (adequate amount)

Cooking steps:

  1. Firstly, immerse the Lion’s Mane mushrooms in warm water for about 1 hour. Drain the water and cut slice.
  2. Secondly, wash the red carrots, white radish and tomatoes, clean them up and then cut slice too.
  3. Next, put all the ingredients - Lion’s Mane mushrooms, red carrot, white radish and tomatoes into the electric slow cooker.
  4. Put in the seasoning - sesame oil, ginger powder, salt and sugar into the electric slow cooker.
  5. Remember to add 3 glasses of water and a tablespoon of Chinese wolfberries/Goji berries, stew with high temperature for 30 minutes and then stew with low temperature for another 1.5 hours.
  6. Eat while it's still hot.

PS: If you like this soup recipe, feel free to follow/resteem/comment/upvote, thank you very much~

Sup Lobak Merah dan Lobak Putih Mereneh Cendawan Hericium Erinaceus (Sesuai Untuk Vegetarian)

Dalam musim sejuk ini, ia adalah satu kenikmatan meminum semangkuk sup sayur-sayuran yang panas. Hari ini, saya akan berkongsi satu resipi dengan sekalian, cara-cara bagaimana untuk memasak seperiuk sup yang wangi lagi berkhasiat "sup lobak merah dan lobak putih mereneh cendawan hericium erinaceus"

Bahan-bahan tersebut adalah seperti berikut:

Lobak merah (kira-kira 100 gram)
Lobak putih (kira-kira 150 gram)
Tomato (dua biji)
Cendawan Hericium Erinaceus (kira-kira 150 gram)
Buah Goji (1 sudu besar)


Minyak bijan (1 sudu besar)
Serbuk halia (satu sudu teh) (Nota: Jika tiada serbuk halia, 20 keping halia boleh digunakan)
Garam (jumlah yang secukupnya)
Gula (jumlah yang secukupnya)

Langkah-langkah memasak:

  1. Pertama, rendam cendawan Hericium Erinaceus di dalam air suam selama 1 jam. Tuangkan air dan memotong menjadi hirisan.
  2. Kedua, basuh lobak merah, lobak putih dan tomato, membersihkannya dan kemudian memotong hirisan juga.
  3. Seterusnya, masukkan semua bahan - cendawan Hericium Erinaceus, lobak merah, lobak putih dan tomato ke dalam cooker perlahan elektrik.
  4. Masukkan perasa - minyak bijan, serbuk halia, garam dan gula ke dalam cooker perlahan elektrik.
  5. Ingat tambah 3 gelas air suam dan satu sudu buah goji, reneh dengan suhu tinggi selama 30 minit dan kemudian reneh dengan suhu rendah selama 1.5 jam lagi.
  6. Makan semasa masih panas.

PS: Jika anda suka dengan sajak ini, sila follow/resteem/komen/upvote, ribuan terima kasih~




一根红萝卜 (大约100克)
一根白萝卜 (大约150克)



  1. 把猴头菇先浸泡在温水中,大约1个小时。沥干水分,切片备用。
  2. 再把红萝卜、白萝卜、西红柿清洗干净,然后将它们全部切片。
  3. 接着,把全部材料 - 猴头菇、红萝卜、白萝卜与西红柿一起放入电炖锅。
  4. 将调味料 - 麻油、姜粉、盐和糖一起放入电炖锅。
  5. 记得加入3杯水与一汤匙枸杞,先以大火炖30分钟,然后转小火炖1.5小时。
  6. 趁热享用。

PS: 如果您喜欢这道汤食谱,请关注/resteem/评论/按赞,谢谢感恩~

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