SKETCH DRAWING CONTEST #6 | Bonsai 盆栽 🌱 | Ink on Paper

盆栽 Bonsai.png


Bonsai, literally "tray planting." Is an art form of the Japanese using trees grown in containers. This dates back thousands of years. 1


This is my entry in support of @sparkyez's #sketchdrawing contest which I've regularly joined since the start. The theme this week is "tree".

I'm certain people, after hearing the theme, think of the typical deciduous or evergreen varieties like Oak, Maple and Pine. I did start to sketch a big oak tree, and then realized I kinda sucked at making so many bushy leaves. So I said, what's a more minimalist approach to drawing a tree?

After half a day's brooding, I found a literal solution, draw a bonsai tree! I added in the books and tea cup to emphasize that it is a tiny tree. :)


This is an ink on paper sketch. No fancy materials. I start by sketching the trunk of the tree and the books. At first it looked like a potted carrot growing the wrong way.

I line everything with a .005 pen; then created dark shadows with a fine Pilot pen. Done.

I've put together a montage of my horribly blurred progress photos. Please enjoy viewing... or not.


The contest is still running and you can have a look at the page if you're interested!

Blurry Border.JPG

Anatomy of a failed photographer


The Preliminary Idea that didn't Make It


Originally wanted to do a sketch of hobbiton with the lovely tree sitting on top of Bag End, but had a hard time making the dense leaves. Before I stow this away (or erase it), I decided to share it!

OneHeart Border.jpg

See you next time,


Achievers Logo.png

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