What have you been encouraged to do?

Steemit has been a sort of learning curve for me. I write. It's all I've done for the last year. Sit on my PC and pump out hundreds of articles for my viewers to read day in, day out.

I'm a Relationships guru of sorts.

My last job was working with people. I would work with people, find their star and rip it out of them for the world to see in glistening awe. So they could hold on to that star and reach new heights in the world. My clientele were usually people with depression, and other mental health barriers. People that couldn't see that they were golden.

So I took my work to the web once I was no longer needed and made redundant. Sad, but even the best workers can't do their jobs if there is no funding for what they do. And that was my sad reality. Sink or swim.

So I took my work to the web, created a website and started to write for a whole range of other productions. However it was always in my niche. Compassion and helping others.

My niche posts haven't done so well here. In fact, they've tanked big style. The most popular pieces of work that receive thousands of views per month on my website barely gained enough recognition to earn a penny here. And that's fine. It's just a different community. The first rule when entering any market is to bend for the market to suit it's needs. Unless you're a whale, then you can bend the market. Think Rothschild. lol

But I'm no whale.

Yeah, I'm just some dude plodding through life trying to make ends meet with the skillset I was blessed with.

Steem has encouraged me to open my boundaries. It has encouraged me to write about other things when I didn't necessarily think I was any good at writing about anything else. Turns out I can. And that's not through community recognition, that's through reading back my own work and thinking, "hey, this is quite good. I CAN do this"

So it will be an interesting ride. Seeing what I can do and cannot. I already know that I can write about photography, steem and past experiences. Very interesting. I'll be applying this to my blog.

Has Steem encouraged you to reach new heights? It would be interesting to hear from you :)

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