Steemit Slam #2 - Theme: From A Child's View (+Winner Week 1)

Steemit Slam Week 2

The theme this week: FROM A CHILD'S VIEW

Prize for 1st place: 25SBD plus 50% of this post's author SBD payout

How to win:

  1. Write a poem, story, song or any form of lyrical content about a topic you choose, but from the perspective of a young child (approx. 4-8). This kid can be you from the past, a child from your family/friends or an imaginary one. Children view the world with completely different eyes. We have all been young, we know how it is to experience something for the first time and how we try to put these new things into words. Be it the first snow, how our parents fought, a first crush or feeling physical or emotional pain. To step out of one's own current perspective and try to look at things with the naiveté of a kid should be a worthy challenge for a true poet. It will be especially challenging for some poets who are used to writing very eloquently and who will have to use simple, child like words for this contest.  This poem by A.A. Milne is a great example for this topic.
  2.  Publish your text on Steemit with “Steemit Slam” anywhere in the title. Your tags must include “slam” and “poetry”, just like this post. You may include other tags as well.
  3. Upvote this post to increase the prize for the potential winner. Resteeming is not necessary anymore, but you may do so if you want to support this contest.
  4. Look for at least one other post during the contest that you enjoyed reading and upvote it. After all, this contest is about community of writers, and your goal should also be to find minds that think alike on this platform. You can find other participants when clicking on the tag “slam” under this post. Supporting more poets is possible and very welcome.
  5. Post a comment under this post with this roughly this structure:

This is my entry for the Steemit Slam, a [poem/ song/ haiku/ etc.] about [further description of your post, e.g. “my father leaving our family because of war”] 
[link to your post]
I also highly recommend reading @[other steemian]’s post about [further description of the post]
[link to his/her post]

We will Resteem several entries that we support, but depending on the number of entries, we might have to get selective as to not flood our follower’s feed.

This slam ends on 16th of July. You may post your text on any day before this date!

Up to three entries per person are allowed!

The participant with the most successful post will be crowned the winner of the 1st Steemit Slam!

Remember, this Slam is about creativity, but also community!

Recap Week 1

First of all, the anouncement of last week's winner: 

@haiyangdeperci : A Goodbye Kiss

Congratulations to you, a well deserved win! 

It was so pleasing to see all of you supporting each other in the comments of the original post! Many writers have found some new support and also gained connection to other writers. This alone is reason enough to try and keep this contest alive for as long as possible, even though it wasn't able to finance itself this time.

There have been several submissions that didn't write about last week's topic, but that did post some great poetry. If a post has nothing to do with the challenge at all, it won't have a great chance of winning, but please do continue to post, as there are still poetry enthusiasts (this blog included) who will enjoy your content nonetheless!

Sadly, there have been some cases of contestants posting other writer's poems in the comment section without even having upvoted their post... This made it seem like they just randomly picked a poem so that they could post their own. Again, this is about community, and the vote on the poem you shared is mandatory as well, so just take a minute out of your time to check out your fellow writers!

Steem on!

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