My finished painting: Singularity Dream

My Singularity droid is finished and I'm happy with the addition of dog and butterflies.


Here is the entire piece:

Some might remember my original sketch, dreamt up during one of our power outages this Winter.


And the watercolour study

I often make a few sketches followed by adding colour (usually digital watercolour) before I decide on a final piece.

After living with this one for a few days I realized I wanted to tell more of a story.

As I am playing with the idea of the Singularity, that time when man and machine become indistinguishable, I wanted to play with some imagery that represented the human nature of our past. The addition of the butterflies was used as a symbolism for the human soul. What had been originally a tree branch from my actual view here became the smoky dream of the figure.
Again, I began painting out some of it to get a feel of it with the butterflies
During the period that I was thinking and dreaming on this painting I began doing other sketches of similiar characters and I found myself giving them neo-Victorian garb, as if the creatures were longing or curious about their human past.

making this piece really gave me the storyline for this series of paintings: The neo Victorian garb of a future timeline where creatures dwelt in contemplation and search of a human past.

This had me realize I really wanted this piece, "Singularity Dream" to include more detailed Victorian skirt rather then the simple drapery I had given her. And as I am playing with the idea of this future wondeing about a human past, I thought the addition of a dog (human companion since time immemorial) made sense. I wanted his interaction to almost be his attempt to lead the creatures to find their humanity; thus the tug of his mouth on her skirt revealing more of the 'human soul' butterflies.

This was the sketch for that idea:

For me, painting and art is a sort of play or story telling. I have these characters or scenarios in my head and it's a joy to put them down for others to see.

I often use my original work as graphic design and love to see it put onto things. I have been rather lax with this of late, since starting my Singularity series, but decided to play with this one after finishing it yesterday. I hope, too, that my new website will be more focused on this idea of across the board artwork as things. I hopefully will be sharing more of my attempts at rebuilding my website from the ground up and sharing the process. But, for now I'm enjoying just using Society6 to test them out.

Here we see our girl as Tshirt, Phone case, bag and I sort of like the disjuncted way I could place her on a back pack. It has a funny sort of dissembled robot feel to it, that makes you look at it and wonder, "what is that?"


I am really happy with how the piece turned out and am currently working on my next finished piece in this series, made from another sketch I shared with you before.

If you are interested in this piece on things (or as prints) you can get them for now at my shop here, but as I said I hope to offer more variety and directly from me as I get my website back up and running. Steemit has really inspired me to try something new with the artists portfolio website.

If you like my work please upvote, resteem and by all means comment, I love comments!

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My bitcoin wallet as per the @slothicorn request to provide it with your artwork.

Copyright @donnadavisart - All Rights Reserved

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