🖌 Intro / Slothicorn - Let me introduce myself :)

Came across tag Slothicorn many times during surfing Steemit, but to be honest never was sure how I will enter to this community who nurtures art and creation. Always thought there is some ''special way'' to became one of slothicorns :)

And after post (including slothicorn tag )made by one of my favorite artists here and person I love to exchange thoughts a lot, @donnadavisart, decided to give it a try and introduce myself and join others. Saw people who are posting first time under slothicorn are making sort of introduce post, and since my one year time on Steemit is approaching soon, thought this would be great time for another intro for all those folks following my work.

Photo by Gordana Hajinovic - Tekla


My name is as it says at profile Dunja Jung and I come from Zemun,Serbia.
It's been a great ride here at Steemit since the moment I joined and started exchanging thoughts and knowledge with other artists here my work got new kick.

Classical techniques were my main interest, drawing with pencils and inks and off course watercolor technique that I am happily conquering almost ten years now.

one of the early works where watercolor was just starting to appear


Soon, watercolor took me over with it's liberty, quick drying and possibility of fast work. Also, I realized with going into it, that many people had very bad and not so happy thoughts about it since most of them had contact with it as a child...and that meant, spilled water, piles on fluffy paper, dirty colors...

And one of my goals, especially here became bringing closer beauty of this technique to others and killing the myth of difficulty.

But with exchanging thoughts or just simply watching other artists here I became interested in digital work, and step by step some thing that were just blank spaces started filling with digital edits of some old works. From time to time I make those interesting step outs from my traditional work with something like this


Most of the time I am devoted to traditional approach of watercolor usage and that's possible one of reasons that @jnart asked me to join him and @marty-arts in making @water-art.
Place where three of us share with folks here our knowledge trough tutorials, explanations and videos starting from basics.


People or better to say human portraits are my biggest love in every medium that I use, from pencil drawings to watercolors. There is something that attract my attention in human expressions and emotions coming out form them. Since I was child it was my favorite topic, and while other children were drawing flowers, autumn in my town or how I spend my holidays, I was drawing portraits.. Had many problems with my teachers during that time, but nothing could stop me :)

And story is almost same today. From time to time I make small trips to some other subjects, like forest for instance

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But at the end I remain devoted to my first love

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Hope that those who are not familiar with my work will find some things I post and share interesting.
Thank you for reading, was trying not to choke with too much information :)

Next post will be under ''slothicorn'' tag for sure, see you soon guys

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