Slothicorn Entry #1 (by @Pyrowngs)

Here is my 1st entry into @stellabelle's awesome Slothicorn Art Contest

My slothicorn is making a heart with her claws.  There is magical glitter sparkles around her horn.  She's a happy little creature!

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Artwork by Crystal Pyren (@Pyrowngs)

I've decided to involve both of my daughters in this contest.  So my next two submissions will be theirs.  My 10-year-old daughter is super excited about this contest, and she has already created 3 slothicorns so far!  lol!  I think she has narrowed it down to her favorite one.  I just need to get a good photo of it, and I may need to clean it up a bit in Photoshop.  My 17-year-old daughter hasn't started hers yet.  But, I know hers will be fabulous!

Thank you, @stellabelle for hosting this art contest.  I think this is a very fun project!  Fun to find out about, fun to work on, and fun to see everyone's creations.  

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