SLOTHICORN CONTEST I : "I Waited Seven Lifes to See You"

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Hi! Steemians here's my entry for SLOTHICORN CONTEST

Original File *.svg Here

All rights to Röyksopp & Robyn

How much should you read? how much do you have to live? how much do you have to suffer? How much should you tattoo your body? How much carrot do you have to eat? How much do you have to endure? How much should you implore? How much should you curse? How much should you smile? How much should you look? How much do you have to meet? How much do you have to reproach? How much hunger do you have to endure? How much music do you have to listen to? How many musical genres do you have to know? How many physics books do you have to read? How many biographies do you have to detail? How much should you listen to Tool? How much should you listen to Mozart? How much should you listen to Simon Díaz? How many beaches should you visit? How much psychology should you understand? How many races should you know? How many countries do you have to travel? How many people should you talk to? How much of programming should you study? how much soap should you paint? how many times should you be rejected by universities? How much should you study? how many sixteenths should you recognize? How much should you try? How much do you need to know about automotive mechanics? How much fear should you feel? How much do you have to be brave? How much should you love? How much should you hate? How much should you know the history of the countries? of their independence? and his coups d'etat? How many pigments should you use to paint? How many eggs should you mix with your paint? How many plants should you eat from the mountain? how many binary numbers should you observe and translate? How many times should you eat from a garden? How many times should you eat in an unknown restaurant? How much do you need to know about medicine? How much of Walt Disney should you know? How much do you need to know about dentistry? How much of Steve Jobs have to know? How many exercises and yoga should you do? How many Taiwanese do you need to know? how many Pentateuchs in Hebrew do you have to browse? How much latin do you have to know? How many religions should you belong to? How many prohibited books should you read? How many movies should you watch? How many interviews of film directors should you see? How many music producers do you need to know? How many biographies of writers should you investigate? How many shoulders should you cry? How much should you be happy? How many incredible artists and painters should you observe for hours? to get to understand that you are the creator and I am the creator.

A R T - C R E A T I O N

Who is Slothicorn?

I give permission to everyone to modify my Art.

In the beginning everybody create.

In the beginning I create.

In the beginning you create.

In the beginning Slothicorn create.

We’re a global community of creators

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