SmartNodes Are Among Us and SmartCash Price Is Rising!

This is an exciting development in the SmartCash community. For more on what a SmartNode is, see this post last month from @cloudspyder. In short, they are servers set up to add useful features to the SmartCash network and those who run the servers get rewarded.

You can learn more about SmartNodes here:

There are already 300 of them running, and it just launched: (thanks again to @bitcoiner for building such helpful tools).

From what I understand, they don't start paying out until around January 29th (block 300000), which means you have some time to play around with this now. Personally, I think I'll wait until after the SmartRewards on the 25th (I don't want to lose ~6% by moving coins around into 10k groups per node). That will also give me time to know how many nodes will be up and running for a better view on the potential ROI. You may not want to wait too long though, because the sooner your server(s) is(are) set up, the higher ranking you'll have for the first reward distribution. Once your node is paid, it goes to the back of the line, from what I understand.

You can use this spreadsheet (make a copy) which was shared in the discord channel to play with the numbers and figure out if it's worth your time.

At first, I figured there's no real way to know what numbers to put in there to make any sense of it. Then I thought about other master node coins like Pivx and Dash to see if we could extrapolate something to work with.

Using data from

  • PIVX currently has 2,094 master nodes at a cost of $121,675 each giving a reward of $576.3745 a month. 5.76% ROI.
  • DASH currently has 4,533 master nodes at a cost of $1,022,430 each giving a reward of $6,554.7987 a month. 7.80% ROI.

If we assume a $1 price of SmartCash and even a really high number of master nodes (say, 20,000), then we're still looking at over $500 a month, assuming the spreadsheet I linked to above is correct.

That's pretty amazing, especially because at that price a SmartNode would only cost $10k.

I know there are a lot of assumptions made here, so please, let me be clear, this is not investment advice. I'm just trying to make sense of things and look for opportunities. When I find them, I want to share them with you and hear what you think.

So... what do you think?

Here are the server specs needed to run a SmartNode:

  • 10K SMART per node
  • 20 GB disk space and 1GB RAM minimum
  • Static IPv4 address per node

I haven't set up a node yet, but if/when I do, I'll be using this setup guide, I'll be asking questions in the discord at, and I'll probably use Privex so I can pay for hosting using STEEM.

If you want to know more about SmartCash, check out my previous posts on it:

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, STEEM witness, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Visit

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