My Lenticular Clouds Shot


Few weeks ago as I rode at the back of the tricycle ( a public transport here that is compose of a motorcycle with a built-in cab. ), since the vehicle is moving, I was in a hurry to captured this scenery where you can see a cloud formation on the top of the clouds, and as what Google defines it, such formation is called a "Lenticular Clouds". I'm glad I was able to witnessed such a different view for we never see this more often and I love to take pictures that is different from others or something that others don't usually captured. I'am amazed by the beauty of our nature even it was taken before the day comes to close. The black part of the picture was the motorcycle leather roof cover, I was holding the mobile phone on my left hand while my right hand is holding the steel bar part of the roof so I wont fall while the vehicle is moving, holding the part is for safety purpose, it is like your seatbelt in a regular car. hehehe. Since the tricycle is moving so fast I can't positioned my left hand that's holding the mobile in a way that I can get the best angle for I'am not used in using it for I'am a right handed person hehehe. The clouds looks like a spaceship landing on the top of the mountain. By the way that mountain as what father said, is part of a mountain that is called Mount Banahaw, a mountain that is considered as enchanted by many, for plenty of mysteries are hidden in that mountain.

Thank you for dropping by!
@puroypoi May 3, 2018

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