2018 was my second year gardening. A look at my Spring 2017 garden is here. This post is a chronological look at my garden from January to June 2018. In addition to the great food I planted in my vegetable garden I also planted a wildflower garden and started composting this year.
January 2018
I wanted to plant some herbs in the garden. You will see later, that this type of sage has beautiful blue/ purple flowers.
February 2018
Bok Choy
One of my favorites! I let some of it flower and go to seed. I sent seeds to @scottshots in Tahoe. Steem friends connecting in real life!
My cute neighbor wanted to see my garden and he got a yummy treat to eat too.
Spinach, lettuce and green onions
March 2018
The wildflowers started blooming!
and I started composting
which required a lot of studying!
April 2018
The wildflowers continued to grow and made it a delight to be in my garden. It was often surprised by the beautiful flowers that would come up.
Lettuce, bok choy, and carrots
Gorgeous Sage
A beautiful mixture of flowers and food.
The heat is intense by June so the flowers are dying and the watermelon is the only thing left growing.
The beauty of a dried out wildflower garden
All photos were taken with my smartphone. It is so great to have such unique, beautiful subjects right in my own yard.