Steemit Music League Challenge Week # 1 Theme Happiness: "High Esteem" (Original Istrumental Composition)

Recently @chiefmappster liked my last post with a beat I posted and invited me to take a part of the Steemit Music League Challenge I'm playing all it takes. I usualy do hiphop and d&b beats, play the blues guitar whenever I can put my fingers on the fret, but this time I did something unusual and I don't even know in which genre I could squeeze it in. The theme is happiness and I tried to play happy notes as much as I could. Yo @fronttowardenemy if you were wondering what the heck of country and blues I'm playing..don't worry son it's still me.. the same good old me. lOl It just came over me..happy notes took over naahmean? ☺
Aaight it is. Enjoy as much as I did while you try to find out what the heck was I thinking or feeling by playing this mix of styles. (;


High Esteem

the happy track ↓

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