Steemit Music League Challenge Week #8 Results

Got some vocals, some dope lyrics, and some epic beats created for the community to enjoy in this week of the #smlchallenge

With eight (8) incredible entries in Week #8 this was an awesome experience for the judging panel of @chiefmappster, @danyelk, @derekmiller, and @nutela. We had several ties happening this week for whatever reason.


Courtesy of OG @djlethalskillz

The Steemit Music League is a community built by the community for the community with the goal of providing the most feedback, recognition, and rewards and possible all while bringing Steemians together.

As a result, we also now have an awesome interactive Discord Channel for everyone to come together, interact, play music, play beats, sing, and even record live jam sessions courtesy of @seveaux, @beatseb, and @nutela (video below)

It is called the Steemit Music Alliance and includes Steemians involved in the music community from all over the world. We are bringing together the music community in one place to foster an environment to help one another and share their art and dreams.

To join the Steemit Music Alliance Discord channel go here:


This week's theme for the Steemit Music League Challenge is:

New York Nights


The entries are judged off of the following:

  • Sound Quality,
  • Technicality,
  • Creativity, and
  • Relevance to theme

Without further adieu here are the results of the Steemit Music League Challenge Week #8:


If you rather listen in a playlist form, below is a playlist of the entries of this week's #smlchallenge.

WINNER ONE: @beatseb with an average of 4.57 from the judging panel with "NY st8 of mind cat" winning 18 STEEM and 42 Voiceshares for 60 points.

Straight domination of the theme holy smokes.

"I'm in a New York state of mind."

Defintely the essence of this entry in my opinion.

Everything from the sounds created by yourself with MIDI tech to the awesome sample intertwined throughout to the epic guitar playing. All top-notch and all deliver a message that screams NEW YORK.

Absolutely love your guitar playing from 1:25-1:43 with New York layered on top o weeeee.

The judges unanimously had you as the winner in this week's challenge. "On a whole nother level" they said.

Looks like those six hours of mastering on top of everything came in handy :)

Appreciate you and all the time and effort you put into this badboy. Definitely put out that positive NY vibe with this one.

Support this winning Steemian here: @beatseb/steemit-music-league-challenge-week-8-ny-st8-of-mind-cat-original-beat


WINNER TWO: @djlethalskillz with an average of 4.42 from the judging panel with "New York" winning 9 STEEM and 36 Voiceshares for 45 points.


Ayyyyyy this is an East Coast NY hit right here o weeeee.

"Watch me come up." [very end of beat]

I have a feeling it is only a matter of time until @djlethalskillz is known throughout the entire world and man did you execute so well on this theme in every aspect in my opinion.

Love the samples you intertwined into this beat. They helped tell the story and message of your beat so well, and served as awesome transitions. They definitely reinforced that East Coast vibe so well in my opinion.

That dope xylophone sets the tone so nicely and really keeps me engaged throughout the beat. And definitely helps reiterate that East Coast feel to it.

The sound quality on this one is incredible as well so crispy and clear through the speakers and headphones.

Really appreciate the incredible artwork created for your entry and the community for this week's theme. So epic and provides great branding.

Support this epic Steemian here: @djlethalskillz/new-music-new-york-new-york-or-my-entry-for-week-8-steemit-music-league-producers-challenge


WINNER THREE (TIED): @thenite with an average of 4.22 from the judging panel with "Turn the Night" winning 4 STEEM and 32 Voiceshares for 36 points.


Holy smokes man this entry is absolutely incredible.


You created this track from scratch. Holy smokes that takes dedication and skill especially when the result is as high-quality as this entry is.


The sounds and sequences you create such as 0:36-0:57 (my favorite) and 2:46-3:07 are so memorable and create such an awesome classy vibe.

And third.

The vibe you create with this atleast in my opinion is straight Ney York City nights. I can envision the skyscrappers and lights being all around me when your entry is being played. Such an incredible essence to this entry.

Appreciate al the time and effort your put into this entry and sharing with the community. Namaste buddy.

Support this awesome Steemian here: @thenite/new-track-thenite-turn-the-tide-smlchallenge-submission-theme-newyork--free-dl


WINNER THREE (TIED): @scuzzy with an average of 4.22 from the judging panel with "New York Nights" winning 4 STEEM and 32 Voiceshares for 36 points.


"Nights in New York Cityyyy."

Wowzers your sample selections are so on point for the theme NY Nights this week. That Leif Garrett helps create that classic NY vibe most defintely.

I absolutely love that switch-up at 0:59 it made me smile so big when it came in. Triggered some nostalgia and added that extra NY Nights element to your entry that is for sure.

The judging panel would have loved to hear more of the beat as it really showcases the skills of a producer. Don't worry we will listen :)

You excelled on the theme again this week and you are proving yourself to be a force to reckon with every week.

Appreciate you.

Support this epic Steemian here: @scuzzy/scuzzy-ruckus-new-york-nights-or-steemit-music-league-week-8


COMMUNITY FAVORITE: @thenite with 58 upvotes, 11 comments, and $11.35 in community support with "Turn the Night" winning 5 STEEM and 21 Voiceshares for 26 points.


Support this epic Steemian here: @thenite/new-track-thenite-turn-the-tide-smlchallenge-submission-theme-newyork--free-dl


HONORABLE MENTION #1: @verbal-d with an average of 4.12 from the judging panel with "New York" winning 25 Voiceshares for 25 points.

Wow wow wowwwwwww you defintely came back swinging @verbal-d with this entry o weeeee

Such dope New York-inspired lyrics. "Salute and respect this whole state, no hate, know it's fate's ever great, it's a place that matters..." Are you kiddin me?! These are the lyrics I am talking about.

And your flow on this one is real nicey. I noticed you gaining more momentum as the New York inspired lyrics came in at 0:30.

You touch on such a diverse range of topics relevant to New York from its history to its current landscape in such an efficient and effective manner. Mad props to you for that.

Appreciate you coming back and sharing your epic lyricism and flow with the community. Your lyrics definitely inspired me. God bless buddy.

Support this winning Steemian here: @verbal-d/steemit-music-league-challenge-week-8-theme-new-york-new-york-original-song


HONORABLE MENTION #2 (TIED): @inthenow with an average of 4.10 from the judging panel with "Get Your Hands Up" winning 15 SMOKE for 15 points.

Ayyyyyy whatever club is playing this on those New York Nights is the shitttttttttttt.

The amount of energy you provide with this entry is legendaryyyy

Everything from that Sinatra slow-down at 1:39 to the vast amount of high-quality sounds (I absolutley love the stcatching at 0:57-1:04) you include all come together to create such a futuristic NY Night feel.

Mix that with that awesome time-lapse video and the incredible sound quality and you have a top-notch entry in my opinion.

I cannot stress enough how much I love and appreciate all the different sounds and sequences you use in this. It keeps me engaged and always ready for that next epic sound you drop. And when it does it just keeps that mood and vibe going. An incredible feat in my opinion.

Appreciate all the time and effort your spent perfecting this entry for the community to enjoy. You the man.

Support this incredible Steemian here: @inthenow/6hduuu-get-your-hands-up


HONORABLE MENTION #2 (TIED): @simgirl (lyrics) and @topkpop (vocals) with "Going Down in the Street Tonight" with an average of 4.10 from the judging panel winning 15 Voiceshares for 15 points.

Teamwork makes the dream work o weeee

Such an awesome example of collaboration from these talented Steemians.

Love the lyrics @simgirl they have such depth to them and really enjoy these esepcially:

"Can you feel this feeling? Watch me as I'm reaching; Up on to the ceiling. Nothing like this healing." Definitely resonated with myself.

And @topkpop appreciate you bringing the vocals in this week's challenge. You have a voice that is for sure and looking forward to hearing your progression :)

My favorite part of your vocals is between 1:48-1:58 holy smokes you bring such a presence with you in that part. Love itttt.

Lastly, really appreciate your video. Such an awesome, creative video showcasing a night in the city in the world of the Sims.

Appreciate you two creating this entry and sharing it with the community. Looking forward to hearing more of your tunes.

Support these awesome Steemians here: @simgirl/steemit-music-league-challenge-week-8-entry-simgirl-ft-topkpop


HONORABLE MENTION #2 (TIED): @hilladigahackles with an average of 4.10 from the judging panel with "Wagon Free New York" winning 15 SMOKE + 15 additional points for continual League participation for 30 points.

What a soothing, mesmorizing entry holy smokes.

Combine that awesome video of the New York streets with your soothing voice and that guitar makes a recipe for an awesome entry in my opinion.

Also, love how you reinforce "New York" with your voice throughout your track gives the track nice break-ups.

Such an incredible New York inspired lyrics as well. You executed on the theme this week very well.

Appreciate all the time and effort in creating this entry. You continue to surprise the comunity with your talents each week. Appreciate you :)

Support this epic Steemian here: @hilladigahackles/steemit-music-league-challenge-week-8-entry-wagon-free-new-york-vocal-mix


Thank you for all the time, resources, and effort put into creating the pieces of art submitted so far. And we cannot wait to see what else Steemians have for the #smlchallenge.

Here is my scorecard with two columns added to reflect the average from the judging panel of @chiefmappster, @danyelk, @derekmiller, and @nutela.


This concludes the analysis for Week #8 of the Steemit Music League Challenge.

Stay tuned for information about Week #9 of the #smlchallenge tomorrow with the scoreboard for the Steemit Music League released during the week.

And for a recap of the incredible nine (9) entries of Week #7 go here: @chiefmappster/6ybtqp-steemit-music-league-challenge-week-7-update

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Voiceshares are tokens are on BitShares. So make sure you have a BitShares Wallet to receive and send them for upvotes on your Steemit posts. SMOKE are also tokens on BitShares and supports the SMOKE.NETWORK mission.

All you need to do to receive your Voiceshares is click here to create a Bitshares account here: and then you are good to go : )

Thank you as always for your time and attention. It means the world to me :)

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