SML Feedback Contest Round 2 Winners Announcement!

SML Feedback Contest Round 2 Winners Announcement!

Aight... this concludes round two of the Feedback Contest! There was some great feedback given this round. And if you are wondering how I go about choosing the winners, check out the first round post for that info, I keep it real here and will continue to do so.

There were a few songs that did not get any comments, hopefully some of you will go back and hit em up! I would, but that kinda defeats the purpose of the contest. :-) To those that submitted their songs, much appreciation for putting them up into the contest and sharing your creations with us! To those that gave feedback, thanks a bunch for taking part and sharing your thoughts. :)

I want to thank each one of you for your time and effort that you put in, because it shows that you definitely care about helping out your fellow producers/musicians. So to quote my friend DJ LethalSkillz... Kudos to you all!

Now moving on to the results.

1st Place Winners Are:
@fresheiremusic & Good Times with @hilladigahackles feedback.

This feedback was great, and made some excellent points on the mix. And after listening to the song, and reading the the first two paragraphs, this is on time. Excellent!

2nd Place Winners Are:
@joymatters & Questioning Piano with @novili feedback.

The feedback given was great, and detailed. After listening to the song, good suggestions that made sense. So nicely done. ;-)

3rd Place Winners Are:
@antminer & Miles with @hilladigahackles feedback.

The feedback given was good, but with just the right touch of suggestions for additions to the song. Cool :-)

The Prizes Won:

First Prize:
@fresheiremusic 2.5 Steem & 5 Whaleshares & 10 Voiceshares & 20 points.
@hilladigahackles 2.5 Steem & 5 Whaleshares & 10 Voiceshares & 20 points.

Second Prize:
@joymatters 1.5 Steem & 3 Whaleshares & 8 Voiceshares & 15 points.
@novili 1.5 Steem & 3 Whaleshares & 8 Voiceshares & 15 points.

Third Prize:
@antminer 1 Steem & 2 Whaleshares & 5 Voiceshares & 10 Points.
@hilladigahackles 1 Steem & 2 Whaleshares & 5 Voiceshares & 10 points.

To claim the Whaleshares and Voiceshares I need your Open Ledger Account information. Any WS or VS not claimed will be kept in the prize vault for future contests. The Steem is being sent now. And the points will be given by @chiefmappster when he is ready to do that.

Thanks again for all the effort, it is appreciated! :-D

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