"Kundalini Rising" by Trash Juice (Jazz/Funk Rock Electronica Music Video)

One Media® presents "Kundalini Rising" by Trash Juice (Jazz/Funk Rock Electronica Music Video)

"Kundalini Rising"

intense Jazz/Funk Rock with lyrics in reference to spiritual awakening spontaneous or through tantric yoga, worth checking out if you get the chants...

One Media® humbly submits its Steemit Music League #smlchallenge season two week 11 entry ...

Since laws of Karma predate Newton's Third Law but generally predict it, as in, every action has an equal and opposite action, one may consider that perhaps the path to enlightenment doesn't necessarily imply, 'always kind' but perhaps, 'always reciprocating' as one may also infer from the very shape of the yin yang symbol ... thus we submit to you our not so ambient, not so ethereal music video depicting how spiritual enlightenment could come about for certain, if not most, individuals, such as through hardship and conflict.

we give you three chants to get you into the spirit ...

A 12-Zig (11 overdubs, dry, other than reverb) choir opens the tune chanting in the Tibetan monk throat singing technique, the Nam-myoho-renge-kyo mantra, itself a devotion to mystical tradition and growth by overcoming suffering as described in this Buddhist source.

The chanting subsides and then the lyrics in the sung portion of this 'devotional service' kick-in on top of a heavy, diminished bassline...

Kundalini Rising (lyrics)
Kundalini Rising,
gonna kick some ass
Kundalini Rising,
gonna stay on task
Kundalini Rising,
you get no free pass
Kundalini Rising,
strip you of your mask
Kundalini Rising,
go beyond your caste
Kundalini Rising,
leave your ego fast
Kundalini Rising,
now amend your past
Kundalini Rising,
only one will last

(mantra to uptempo Latin beat)
in order, to get my life in order, to get my life...

(mantra to 6/8 beat)
desire to be free from desire to be free from...

These lyrics address a number of themes in Mystical Philosophy and Transpersonal Psychology , Spiritual Crisis , Positive Disintegration and The Hero's Journey while the visual stream itself deals with the Tantric Yoga concepts of Chakras and Kundalini energy.

Briefly, according to Wikipedia, The Transpersonal is a term used by different schools of philosophy and psychology in order to describe experiences and worldviews that extend beyond the personal level of the psyche, and beyond mundane worldly events. It has been defined as experiences "in which the sense of identity or self extends beyond (trans) the individual or personal to encompass wider aspects of humankind, life, psyche or cosmos". Transpersonal psychology is a sub-field or "school" of psychology that integrates the spiritual and transcendent aspects of the human experience with the framework of modern psychology. It is also possible to define it as a "spiritual psychology". Spiritual crisis (also called "spiritual emergency") is a form of identity crisis where an individual experiences drastic changes to their meaning system (i.e., their unique purposes, goals, values, attitude and beliefs, identity, and focus) typically because of a spontaneous spiritual experience. The theory of positive disintegration (TPD) by Kazimierz Dąbrowski is a theory of personality development. Unlike mainstream psychology, Dąbrowski's theoretical framework views psychological tension and anxiety as necessary for growth. In narratology and comparative mythology, the monomyth, or the hero's journey, is the common template of a broad category of tales that involve a hero who goes on an adventure, and in a decisive crisis wins a victory, and then comes home changed or transformed.

While casual readers of Jung, Abraham Maslow or Hicks or any 'New Age' doctrine may think of Self-Realization as mostly a matter of 'positive thinking' as a means of fulfilling existential needs and to achieve individuation, the authors in the above paragraph give a full appreciation of the resistance society historically tends to present to persons with such inclinations ... The oldest extant written reference could likely be the Bagavad Gita in the Prathama Adhyaya , 'The Distress of Arjuna' wherein Arjuna has requested Krishna to move his chariot between the two armies. His growing dejection is described as he fears losing friends and relatives as a consequence of war. In this tune the last line of the lyrics makes reference to the philosophical debate of Monism versus Dualism, hinting at the Brahman tradition, of Atma, the personal soul ultimately connecting all of 'other' to the ultimate 'Self', Brahman.

A famous Buddhist koan seems appropriate for closing this discussion on this theme of Spiritual Awakening as addressed in this tune... THE STORY: A man traveling across a field encountered a tiger. He fled, the tiger after him. Coming to a precipice, he caught hold of the root of a wild vine and swung himself down over the edge. The tiger sniffed at him from above. Trembling, the man looked down to where, far below, another tiger was waiting to eat him. Only the vine sustained him.

Two mice, one white and one black, little by little started to gnaw away the vine. The man saw a luscious strawberry near him. Grasping the vine with one hand, he plucked the strawberry with the other. How sweet it tasted!

Technical note, everything was recorded in real time, no 'step time' or any sequencer whatsoever, using Audacity, approximately thirty tracks. The violin and the vocals were recorded using a Sennheiser MD421 microphone. The other instruments include a Korg T1, a PAiA Gnome analog synth, and Zig's very own SIDnth prototype.


Stream/download the mp3 on sale now!

Happy listening!

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