♫ Scuzzy Ruckus - The Spirit Molecule | Steemit Music League Challenge S02R01

This week's theme for Steemit Music League Challenge (hosted by @chiefmappster) is Spiritual Enlightenment. There are many paths to achieve enlightenment -- religion, philosophy, music, or even drugs. The concept I based my inspiration for the SML challenge is DMT.

But what is DMT?

The Spirit Molecule

Dimethyltryptamine (pronounced dahy-meth-uh l-trip-tuh-meen), or known simply as DMT, is a naturally occurring chemical compound synthesized in the pineal gland of humans during REM sleep and near-death experiences. It's also found naturally in both animals and plants. DMT is extracted from DMT-containing plants, processed into DMT concentrates, then ingested to induce altered states of consciousness. DMT is taken to ultimately access the gateway to the upper echelon of dimensional consciousness -- a spiritual enlightenment.

There are two methods of ingesting DMT:

  1. Drinking it in the form of an ayahuasca brew, which is a product of brewing DMT-containing plants -- this traditional method dates back to the late 1500s in South America;
  2. Smoking the processed powder form with a pipe or bong.

Out-of-Body Experience

When the ingestion is executed properly and appropriately, the effect is an unusually profound hallucinogenic state. In fact, the DMT trip is deemed as the most intensified psychedelic experience in existence to date. The episode is short-lasting if smoked and long-lasting if drunk. The hallmark signature of the DMT trip is that the user will encounter an out-of-body experience -- the disassociation from the physical.

The Enlightenment

When a moderate to a heavy dosage of DMT is smoked, the experience manifests itself in a progressive sequence of three phases, then the final returning to reality phase. I will simplify the phases by noting only the key details during each respective phases. The titles of the phases are not formally set and merely a description of the phases itself.

Phase 1: The Gates

  • Extreme visual enhancements, i.e., increased visual acuity and increased color intensity.
  • A vast array of shapes and colors is observed.
  • Auditory hallucinations, i.e., high pitch extended tones or soft crackling sounds.
  • The sensation of shooting through space at high speeds.
  • The sensation of being pushed towards the light also referred to as a gate, a portal, a wormhole, or a doorway -- the barrier between Phase 2 and yourself.

Note: In order to break through the barrier, the user MUST surrender all resistance or Phase 2 will not be accessed.

Phase 2: The Waiting Room

  • The dissociative process between the body and soul.
  • Once "broken through", a tunnel is revealed behind the gates.
  • An appearance of a rapidly shifting infinite variety of forms enveloping the shape of the tunnel.
  • Extravagant color and extreme euphoria.
  • The user may see their life and memories flash before their eyes.
  • Some may contact extra-terrestrials.

Phase 3: The Other Side

  • Intense visual hallucinations.
  • The unfathomable amount of information and concepts gradually become more convoluted.
  • Experiences vary between individuals. For example:
    -- Living through the eyes of ancient beings;
    -- Exploring cities composed of interdimensional apparatus and machinery;
    -- Interactions with interdimensional sentient beings such as aliens, humanoid form of angels, machine elves, anthropomorphic creatures, a council of spiritual leaders, or even a divine creator.

Phase 4: Back to Reality

  • The sensation of being pulled further away from the scenarios until one finds themselves back in reality.
  • The sense of exhilaration and awe.
  • Sometimes a "body high" could linger for up to an hour after.

Rick Strassman, the author of The Spirit Molecule (2000), described the DMT experience as "freestanding, independent levels" or psychological planes of existence often inhabited by "entities", "intelligent beings", "guides", helpers" and "aliens".

It's been reported that following a DMT trip, the user will have a major shift of perspective which included a spiritual connection to the world, a greater self-awareness, and the detachment of ego and self-identity. Those returning from the DMT experience often described the process and aftermath as a profound SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT.

Similar to the phases of the DMT experience, my entry simulates the progressive visual and auditory sequences.

The vocals are excerpts extracted from an Alex Grey interview where he shares his experiences with DMT.

Finally, with no further adieu, enjoy!

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