SMTs Explained: How To Redefine The Internet For Smart Content Rewarding! (Featuring @Ned)...

Hello Steemians,

It's about time we explored the lesser known Waters of SMTs. Many newbies complain alot that they don't understand fully what SMT implies. In as much as I would really like to scold y'all for refusing to take some time out to DYOR (do your own research), I see it as my responsibility as a community leader to help you.


Come to think of it, some persons can really get lost in books anyway. Like if you hide a huge amount of money in books, it will be there for years to come because no one reads anymore. But hey! If it were on Facebook you kept the money perhaps it would have been long hacked.

Thats part of what I hope that steem hopes to achieve. Bring the money closer to the dummy using smart social media. Combine money and any social media and you have a potential smart economy.

Hopefully the analogy above will help you make sense of Smart Media Tokens! I will try by first explaining the individual words then combine them together. Don't worry, I won't use bogus terms. After all this post was to be named "SMT for dummies". πŸ˜‰


even if you aren't smart you can at least understand the meaning of being smart. Okay, are you educated? I ask coz I'm about to use the classroom analogy.

The smart ones usually sit in the front of he class. They read alot and they wear glasses.πŸ˜‚ Some of you call them nerds but secretly you wish you were half as smart as he/she is.

Meanwhile, the dummies occupied the back seat, always noisy, moving in bad cliques and all the other socially correct people. Deep down they knew they were dumb asses but they made up for it by being popular.

Translate that to social media and you have the celebrities. They never ever read unless their dad is standing beside them with a gun pointed right on their skull. But they can sleep on Facebook for days on end. All their life is know to all and assundry.

You gerrit yet?


The media is the gateway to the world. No! It's not only the social media that exists. Theres the mainstream media that was here way way before Mark Zuck was born. Print media, television, radio, and their internet equivalents are all media.

The problem is that the media is contributing alot to the narrative around the world. The are usually associated with the government hence they on a massive mind control mission. If the media says that poverty is good it becomes good in the mind of dummies.

Thats part of why the blockchain is here to stay. People can gain back their individual freedom and imbibe the ability for free thoughts and speech. You may not get the gravity of decentralization until you are in a position to really understand how governments all over the world are putting you in perpetual chains.


What's the difference between a coin and a token? Nope! A coin is not that roundish metallic object that makes a whole lotta noise in your pocket. Stop thinking like the 50s. Come to the future with us.

A coin is actually a cryptocurrency that has its own blockchain. So Bitcoin is a coin. Pfuuh! Isn't that obvious enough? I mean Satoshi added coin in the name to show you something. Ethereum is a coin. Steem is a coin. Why? They all have their own blockchain, remember or not.

On the other hand, a token is a cryptocurrency that doesn't have its own blockchain. Thats to say that it's under another coin. ERC 20 tokens are tokens. Pfuuh! Hello! They are called tokens.

Read some more, and see how I and @ned gracefully combine these 3 terms together to give you one of the greatest invention since Da Vinci code.😎 Yeah! I was there with Ned that night when we had the idea togetherπŸ˜‰. Urrm in my dreamsπŸ˜‚.

Smart Media Tokens (for dummies)😢

It was a calm and lovely night . Our dear NEd was just taking a shit or a shower (cant quite recall which one it is anymore. It's been so long coming). Errm! Pop!The idea cam like a kick in the head.

Why not make the the idea of steem global by lending websites your API so they can make these tokens and name it whatever they liked? Hey they were gonna steal the system already so why not give it to them for free. 😁 Smart? Yeah! Super Uber squigly smart!

And Ned also had the smart idea to name his smart idea a smart media token. Great! Smart Ned! This is not a parody. This is really how it happened. Check it's plainly written in the white paper smart paper.

Benefits of being SMART!

Errm! You get an A. Yup!That should be the first benefit. Can't you see that steem is already getting an A by being the fastest blockchain out there? In whispers though there are rumors that a new blockchain is gonna make steem feel like a sloth. Pfuuh! Who cares till they come.

So our prices are gonna rise right? Yeah I know that that's the only language you understand-money. When SMTs launch, the demand on steem is going to be much because apparently the coins are limited in supply while the demand is unlimited.

Boom! Just like that we could be seeing $20 steem, damn! $100. Or if the gods of crypto are tell on our side,$1000 steem. Is it possible? Of course it depends on whether y'all are praying to he right gods. Deus ex machina!

While the white hairs have started showing up on my head as I wait for SMT to launch, I still believe its gonna be massive. If done at the right time and with the right project.

I love steem as a blockchain and as a currency. I expect I to go no where south. Northwards it will be always. No! We won't die like the illfated GOT King in the north.

I SEE FIRE!πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

SMT to the moon!!!



I delegated 100 SP to @Steem-Ambassadors !

Its approximately about 10% of my portfolio. I see it like paying my tithe to a programme I love so much and appreciate for the innovation.

I am also fully invested in it to see it succeed successfully!

What About You? Who Do You Pay Tithe To? BOTS???

Food for thought!

They call me @Nairadaddy aka SteemDaddy!

My aim is to leave you better than I find you everyday!


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