A technique on how to find ideas when you have no ideas left.

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There are times when I stare at my screen blankly with no idea what to write. Upon publishing at least an article once every day, you run out of ideas on what to write pretty quickly. With your best stories, ideas and how-tos published, there was one technique that I found effective in generating ideas.

This technique is one that I've used in helping my students write research papers and it is called 'finding the gap'. This technique helps writers look for a different angle, a different perspective of a problem to write on. An analogy that someone used to say to me was that, looking for a gap is like looking for a problem that only you see.

This applies especially to solving a certain problem or challenge. There's no such thing as a problem that has been solved completely, there is always some form of 'gap' that can be found and all you have to do is find it and write about it. For example, if you are pretty well versed on Cryptocurrency but find that everything on Cryptocurrency has been talked about.

One way to write is to point out another problem that others may have overlooked. Perhaps, if everyone is agreeing to something, you could call for caution. You can do so by finding other articles supporting your point of view. That being said, do your research first before publishing something.

One challenge in terms of looking for the gap is where do you even start? Here are a few examples on how to overcome this:

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i) Look for the gap from the perspective of your country

Even when looking at a certain alt-coin or token, some may not be available in your country. Perhaps you can then offer an alternative on other alt-coins to trade. Better yet, maybe experiment on other alt-coins that are unique or available to your region. I'm no expert in Cryptocurrency, however, this applies to all kinds of topics.

In addition, maybe you can even offer ways to overcome certain challenges, certain restrictions found only in your country. We are talking legal methods of course, but I leave it to you to decide.

ii) Look for the gap from the perspective of your work

This applies to your field, your niche, the kind of work that you are used to doing. Offering a perspective from your work does bring a fresh new perspective to certain topics and issues. An example of this is on travelling. There are many great posts on travelling on Steemit.

However, what are the restrictions when it comes to your job? Perhaps you do not have much time to travel at all and you can suggest short but awesome holidays that others can do as well. Perhaps, going to a certain country will help you professionally. This would help others see travelling in a different light.

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iii) Look for the gap from the perspective of your life

Family, experience and hobbies are personal experiences that are unique to each of us. Link those together to popular tags on Steemit and you have a great topic. If you love blogging, maybe you can write about how Steemit has contribute to your journey as a blogger ? Perhaps you can talk about how travelling has helped bring your family together?

All these would help in creating great articles that are personal, creative and unique.


I hope that this has been helpful and that it will help in your writing journey on Steemit. Whenver you find yourself lost for ideas and lost for words, always remember this:

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