Let's promote the Power of Steem!

Hi Guys!

Lately, I've been thinking of ways on how to promote our Steemit community, I had no clue until I saw this >>post<< from @sndbox. I'm an avid participant to contests and I always like to take challenges, and so I decided to join and contribute my idea to it.

Let me show you my entry


The contest require participants to create an infographics that will visualize the capabilities of our Steem against other cryptocurrencies. My entry focuses on the major advantage of Steem which is SPEED, for me this will top all other advantages of Steem over Bitcoin, Etherium, or even Litecoin. Why is that? Because TIME is priceless!

I hope you are as proud as me knowing how powerful our Steem is. Take note, we are just starting, there's a lot more to come :-)

That's about it and thanks a lot for viewing.

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