Proud recent @sndbox member and all of my current Steemit projects! :D

I finally made it to @sndbox!

This month, after SteemFest, has been an amazing roller coaster for me with many new people and ideas, projects and honors!
The latest one being that YES I'm officialy a @sndbox member!!! :D Special thanks to favorite Steemian and fellow Steemsugar @natureofbeing for nominating me and fellow SteemFest party animal haha @hansikhouse for believing in me and trusting me - big thanks!

Happy to see familiar faces from @ocd, @steemfest and @steemsugars there: @guyfawkes4-20 @anomadsoul @howtostartablog @paolobeneforti and my cherie @osm0sis!

A bit more about me for eventual sndbox people who don't know me... Hopeless romantic, free spirit, gypsy heart, international citizen, multi-lingual, photographer, translator, theologian and sociologist. That's me. Now...what I do...on Steemit...

Projects and Steemit involvement

Proud recent member of @sndbox - my latest achievement! Let's see where this will take me!!!

@steemsugars creator - a female team with one sole goal: Empower women by bringing more of us on Steemit and in crypto! More about that mission here [and more posts coming soon]: @steemsugars/a-new-steemfest-idea-please-welcome-steemsugars-more-women-on-steemit
Banner created by @thekittygirl ! :D MANY THANKS!!!

@copensteem co-organizer together with @creutzy - The first Steemit meet up in Denmark is happening! Read more here: @meanmommy33/copensteem-first-steemit-meet-up-in-copenhagen-denmark-an-original-steemfest-inspired-idea
Logo created by @katharsisdrill ! :D MANGE TAK!!!

Beautiful sunny Copenhagen...even though often under construction :P

@spaminator member - not much of a tech person like da boss @patrice, but I can manage writing and in many different languages! ;)

@ocd Italian curator - amazing to find original, interesting, quality content and give it a boost! Thanks for that @acidyo!

I should include here as a 'project', me trying to bring @creutzy back to Steemit! My beautiful boyfriend, amazing Steemian, intelligent crypto enthusiast and talented photographer has been caught up with uni and work lately and didn't post much - ehem, at all... So, my last but not least mission is to bring him back to being as active as he was when he started! He's the one who introduced me to Steemit for God's sake!!!!

@creutzy come back!!!!!

Right @osm0sis and @acidyo??? hahaha!!

Freelancing makes it easy to participate to a lot of projects and provide this amazing platform with new initiatives - I have so many ideas, they HAVE to get out somehow! And @sndbox is a great place for that, I hope in an awesome collaboration !!!

And a quick mention about Steemit here. I mentioned plenty of times in the recent past that 'Steemland' [name credit @creutzy] is my Happy Place. I got mocked for that, bullied while trying to help others, pushed at a point that I thought I might quit Steemit. But no. Quitting is never the answer or the solution. I wrote recently on Twitter [@franticloop22 - Penny D.Photo]: ''I am tired of playing. I just wanna win. #game #life #death'' - and commented later on 'or just quit'. But no. NO. Quitting is never the answer. Motivation is the answer. Optimism. Getting back on track. HOPE. I won't let anything or anyone bring me down again. Not even life itself.

Here's one of the funniest, best motivational videos/speeches I've even seen, via YouTube - Enjoy!

And as I always say...

Don't forget to smile!


Mean Mommy

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