The ultimate favorite place of inspiration of mine is the inside of a flying airplane. I don’t know what it is about the airplane… the clouds or the flying itself but the plane ride really puts me in a bubble full of optimism and inspiration. Whether traveling far or returning home, just being inside of the aircraft makes me think, write and draw a great deal. And of course, just looking out the window gets me very appreciative of the whole journey I’ve been going on.
For the past 10 years, getting on an airplane meant either I was going back home after a semester to see my family in Seoul or returning back to the US to start a new school year. I traveled back home 1-2 times a year for winter/summer recesses. From JFK to Seoul, during the 15 hour flight, I’d work on the last bit of school assignments or watch a movie for the first few hours. After a meal and passengers’ settlements, the aircraft would turn off the lights so passengers can rest or take a nap.
During the quiet and dark hours, I turn the spot light on and create a little bubble. I find myself very productive, not getting distracted by anyone or anything but enjoying the aircraft noises and mild/low voices talking in the background. It feels like it is just the note book and myself filling the space.
I spend a lot of time drawing or writing to recap what happened during the year, (or prepare for the upcoming semester) thinking about my work, school, friends and any human relationships that I made. I recall significant events that happened to me and re-visit to do a bit of self-evaluation. Digesting a timeline of things is really refreshing, both mentally and physically and it gives me a room for new thoughts and idea. I prepare myself for new chapter before I get off of the airplane.
I first took a flight by myself when I was in middle school to travel to California to visit my cousin. The second long flight was to Washington DC to start my freshman year in college. Compared to those times, I’ve grown up a lot.
After I met @hansikhouse, we’ve been traveling together quite a bit. I was really used to traveling by myself but getting on an airplane with another person is a whole different dynamic. A long plane ride becomes more fun with him, talking, sharing food, sleeping on the other’s shoulders and such but I had a hard time doing my airplane ritual when he was sitting 1 centimeter away from me. It feels like I am exposing every bit of me to him. It wasn't so comfortable to be honest but I am sure I will get used to it… :)
@Mintvilla, an ever-learning landscape architect