Coal and Carbonization

At the beginning of the old generation energy sources I think coal-oil-natural gas is coming. These are the reasons for war in some countries and prosperity in others. Energy is perhaps the greatest hunger country. Investments in the energy market now cover a large percentage.

The European Union is preparing projects and funds to improve the energy infrastructures of countries. Although renewable energies are an attempt today, there is still a great deal of dependence on old resources. Especially in the industrial sector, the use of coal is still going on. Let's talk a little bit about coal and its formation process.

The charring process results in the formation of anthracite, through a reciprocal transformation. Anthracite is a very dark black coal with plant traces and a carbon content of over 93%. Anthracite is found in the depths of the earth's crust. If it stays under very high heat and pressure, it may undergo a further change. However, this transformation, which is a clam of the metamorphism process, is not a part of the charring phenomenon. Carbon recrystallizes to form graphite; this item is used in pencil construction.

The diamond is also made of only carbon, but it is a very different crystal structure from graphite. For this reason, the assumption that the car is transformed into a diamond, under high pressure is gaining strength. If this assumption is true, it is necessary to form diamonds during underground experiments of nuclear bombs. This is not possible because of the high radiation residue. So, there is no clear evidence. Maybe in the coming years, it can be done with unmanned vehicles related to it. Since the coalification process is linked to time, coal mines that are still in the untouched areas are always the most charred areas. This actually hurts the use of these regions as industrial products, and the natural structure of the region. I think we are really the people that hurt nature the most. Our hunger for energy does not bring humanity to the end.

As a basic principle, plant remnants for charcoal can accumulate all over the world. So after they are buried they can turn into a coal mine. In reality, however, this is rare. Because the connection with the air must be cut off before the dead material begins to rot. However, a vegetal layer can only be covered with water or sediment. Herbal materials can collapse into a sea or a lake and collapse on top of each other. In this respect, the charring process may begin, but this is a very long process. Therefore, coal mines are not visible all over the world. In fact, this is true for all energy sources, including organic wastes such as oil and natural gas. I think the biggest advantage of renewable energy sources is that they can produce a wider area.

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