Sndbox Challenge 1 - Where is My Favorite Place to Create?

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Where do we come up with our work and Steemit content? @Sndbox has asked this question in their “Where is Your Favorite Place to Create? challenge**.

Place is very important to me and always has been. I’m deeply effected by the beauty of a place, the overall energy of it and some places inspire me while others exhaust me. I’m also a person whose creativity works actively 24 hours a day and so my ideas for Steemit, solutions to problems I’m trying to solve and inspirations come wherever and whenever my mind has a little room to roam. The spaces this occurs are many and varied - in my car while driving to run an errand, while fiddling in my studio, in conversation with a friend and of course while out in nature.

My content on Steemit arises from my art-making in some form as well as my explorations into self-mastery. I’ve tended to focus on something that will move me forward in some way to write about, express, share. I often have to nudge myself to “get to it” because of this embedded challenge but once I’ve started putting some thoughts in motion, the ideas quickly develop. I usually have 5-6 posts in process or ideas in the works that I can explore as my interests dictate.

For my on-the-go thinking I use a Recorder app on my phone to capture my thoughts. Sometimes I use these drafts for posts but often it just helps me move along further or think through an idea.

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me in my studio

Having said that, I also have specific places that I turn to regularly for creating content. Obviously my studio is the primary place and if you’ve ever seen my posts chances are that you’ve seen my studio many times. It’s the place where I spend the most time and is where all my ceramic work is made as well as much of the creativity that fuels my work and life. Making stuff tends to give rise to making more!

   inspirations come wherever and whenever my mind has a little room to roam

For the early stages of an idea for a piece I want to make, I created a private space for myself that has the peace and quiet I need to draw up my ideas (see header photo). My studio is a fairly active place with lots of passers by and studio renters walking through so several years ago I divided up my office and made a small space all my own where I can close the door and focus. There have been times I’ve pretended I wasn’t there when deliveries arrived or people knocked on my door. Ideas are so magnificent and easy to visualize but the hard work of taking them from ether to matter takes focus and headspace.

When it comes to writing for Steemit up until recently I’ve put together my content at my desk in my studio office but the more I’ve written for Steemit the more I’ve itched for a different space to write. For some reason that creative space I made for my art work isn’t really where I want to write.

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This spring I moved around my bedroom and moved a tiny table and chair into it and this is where I most often write these days. It’s the only space in my life that’s truly all my own and I love it here. It’s upstairs at the back corner of the building so it’s completely removed from my studio and the goings on in my house. Plus my bedroom has this sweet combination of peace and fertile imagination juju so it’s my favorite.

tiny but all mine
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Once I’m editing though I often either move to my office desk or sit in this big old chair at home that Lucy and I can snuggle up in. When the weather is colder this is my absolute favorite morning spot to write.

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And lastly, a huge place that my creative spirit is renewed is out in nature. Hiking is great, but if I don’t have time, even just a walk in the park or a 45 minute drive through the Gorge can be enough to cleanse my being and recalibrate so I’m right with myself and the world again.

a trip to the coast is always a sure way to fire up my creativity, Lucy at Acadia Beach, Oregon
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Many thanks to the @sndbox folks for this fun opportunity as well as all that you are reaching for on this platform and beyond!
** caveat: I’ve taken liberties with this challenge making it what I wanted rather than exactly what was asked for including many more photos and interpreting the subject as I pleased. No disrespect intended, just couldn't help myself.


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